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Live L1A1 Straight pull rifle
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:59 pm
by bnz41
Long Shot I know.
Wanted Section 1 live 7.62/.308 L1A1 straight pull (NOT the A R Buckland one) wood or plastic furniture.
Re: Live L1A1 Straight pull rifle
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 7:29 pm
by Charlotte the flyer
I heard a rumour that Anglo Custom are doing another batch. Don't know what credibility there is to that statement though, got to be worth an email to them. Also try Suffolk Rifle in case they have any left.
I have one and I really like it (really really really), the reviews seem to rate the M14 that Suffolk do as a better straight pull conversion. But as you avatar is full over Enfields I guess that doesn't really matter
Re: Live L1A1 Straight pull rifle
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 7:47 pm
Does it have to be an L1A1 or are you also interested in FAL's? If so I've just spotted 2 here and they look very reasonably priced @ £1,650. Possibly one adverts a duplicate. I'd be interested to know where the IMBEL came from, perhaps it's one of the Sabre Defense batch, but I thought only 20 were made. ... les/663460 ... les/662705
There's also an L1A1 with a right hand side cocking handle conversion here: ... les/502176
Re: Live L1A1 Straight pull rifle
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:10 pm
by SevenSixTwo
Stop with the porn this instant!
Re: Live L1A1 Straight pull rifle
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:19 pm
by JS569
SevenSixTwo wrote:Stop with the porn this instant!
What he said!
Re: Live L1A1 Straight pull rifle
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:24 pm
by snayperskaya
Just my opinion but I don't see what all the fuss is about these, I shot one a few weeks back and didn't think much of it and much prefer my SVDS.
Re: Live L1A1 Straight pull rifle
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:24 pm
They're iconic.
snayperskaya wrote:Just my opinion but I don't see what all the fuss is about these, I shot one a few weeks back and didn't think much of it and much prefer my SVDS.
Re: Live L1A1 Straight pull rifle
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:28 pm
by bnz41
Hi Charlotte,
My name is on the list for the next Anglo batch when ever they get enough pre orders do not know when it will happen. Suffolk's not got any L1a1's left and I was thinking of a M14 firstly but due to the cost of extra mags if you can find them so I decided against it, and L1A1 ones are a tenner now have a stack of them.
Hi Halodin,
I did have a 20" Fal from Sabre defence some years ago but when money was needed I had to sell (Steve at MFL has it now) and will not sell. I have seen the one on Gunstar. Congo short barrel sent the seller a e-mail but I really want a L1A1. Will not give the Buckland one cabinet space awful looking thing cannot have it without the right hand handle.
Re: Live L1A1 Straight pull rifle
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:36 pm
You can get the M14 mags easily, I bought an extra 2 mags for mine from Germany.
Yes I agree, that L1A1 is as ugly as sin. The nice thing about the Sabre Defense FAL's is they have the gas plug, gas regulator and gas tube, they're very nearly intact and as they have a brand new receiver (not previously S5) then I think they stand a better chance of not being rounded up if the home office changed their stance on the S5 component issue.
bnz41 wrote:Hi Charlotte,
My name is on the list for the next Anglo batch when ever they get enough pre orders do not know when it will happen. Suffolk's not got any L1a1's left and I was thinking of a M14 firstly but due to the cost of extra mags if you can find them so I decided against it, and L1A1 ones are a tenner now have a stack of them.
Hi Halodin,
I did have a 20" Fal from Sabre defence some years ago but when money was needed I had to sell (Steve at MFL has it now) and will not sell. I have seen the one on Gunstar. Congo short barrel sent the seller a e-mail but I really want a L1A1. Will not give the Buckland one cabinet space awful looking thing cannot have it without the right hand handle.
Re: Live L1A1 Straight pull rifle
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:37 pm
by bnz41
snayperskaya wrote:Just my opinion but I don't see what all the fuss is about these, I shot one a few weeks back and didn't think much of it and much prefer my SVDS.
If I could get a SVD in 7.62/.308 then I would, all sold out, no new stock date, and I do not want 54r again (nothing wrong with it I know) just done 1-4-1 for 7.62/.308 after selling my Mosins.