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Severnside - Tuesday 15th April

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:32 am
by dave_303
What a day!, Seriously could not have asked for better weather, or a better range owner, Richard Williams is an absolute dream to work with! In the end the shoot consisted of myself, 6 shooters from UKC, my Dad and our very own Ray Brown.

A slightly late start, but we still rattled through nearly a 1000 rounds between us,

The day started with...
Loading stripper clips

Waiting for moving targets, sorry I mean pedestrians, to walk by. (along with some low flying aircraft)

And finally the shooting started.




With some interesting targets

It proved to be a great day, everyone shot well, especially considering that for most of the UKC lot it was their first fullbore shoot (hence why we stayed at 100 mards)
Thanks again to Ray for letting us use his AWESOME kit
and thanks to Laura Nixon for letting me steal her photographs, that girl has got some skills with a camera! (along with proving to be a very good shot!)



Re: Severnside - Tuesday 15th April

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:41 am
by Demonic69
The youth of today, not a care in the world!
Looks brilliant mate, glad you all enjoyed it.
I think I need to start taking days off mid-week to get some nice, sunny, quiet shooting in :D