Anyone wanting to sell dispose of a caravan in reasonable condition currently sited at Bisley?
.......... this offer assumes that if part way through a lease I & a few mates can use it with you as shared till it can be moved to a pitch in my own name
Wanted - Caravan at Bisley
Moderator: dromia
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All groups are welcome to post unless your user name is in Newly Registered Red, your post will be removed.
No disparaging remarks, if you don't like what you see then don't buy it.
All groups are welcome to post unless your user name is in Newly Registered Red, your post will be removed.
No disparaging remarks, if you don't like what you see then don't buy it.
Wanted - Caravan at Bisley
Quality control of Scottish Ethanol. & RDX/HMX
& my fav chemical is :-) 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine.......... used to kill frogs.... but widely consumed & in vast quantities by the French? Eh?
& my fav chemical is :-) 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine.......... used to kill frogs.... but widely consumed & in vast quantities by the French? Eh?
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