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Full bore club needed - within commuting distance of YORK

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:02 pm
by saddler

Mate I was in the ATC with back in the olde days has decided that it's time he finally got back into the sport.

He lives in York, so is looking for a club in the area...which uses full-bore his object of desire is a .303 No.4 Lee Enfield like what we used on the range/flying days at RAF Catterick/RAF Leeming, etc.

ANYONE know of/is a member of such clubs?

Please PM me the club info & contact details, etc. so I can pass these onto my mate

Many thanks

Re: Full bore club needed - within commuting distance of YOR

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:32 pm
by Laurie
Pickering R&MLPC. Pickering is about 35 miles from York and has its own 100 / 200/ 300 yard fullbore range, weekly (Sundays) April to October with a reduced winter programme. Pickering members also shoot on the MoD ranges at Strensall on the outskirts of York (300/500/600 yd shoots are the norm there) as part of a local consortium of clubs whose booking are arranged by the Yorkshire RA / regional NRA rep - should be two days per month, but nearer one on average).

Club Hon. Sec. is Don Garland, tel 01287 651049

The other main fullbore club in the York area is Leeds Service Rifle which shoot indoor somewhere in Greater Leeds plus fullbore at Strensall - I don't know the contact details, but Google 'Yorkshire Rifle Association' and it and most other clubs in the region are listed on its website. (Despite the 'Service Rifle' title, it's more orientated to formal 'Target Rifle' than Pickering which has a lot of owners of Number 4s and similar in its membership.)

PSSA and Diggle Ranges are 60 miles from York. Membership Secretary is 'The Gun Pimp' (Vince Bottomley) on this forum. Email