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Bisley and the NRA
Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 8:14 am
by targetman
We have seen posts about caravans at Bisley and the increasing rents......I have been told that the Clubs and Associations are facing ground rent increases of upto 10X present levels......can this really be true????
I can appreciate that due to the gross mismanagement in the past the NRA finances are in a parlous state, but surely increases of that magnitude can be difficult to justify.
If true, the increased cost will be passed on to the members and affiliated clubs, thus pushing up the costs to them. The law of diminishing returns begins to apply, the higher the costs go the fewer will pay, thus, fewer members, less income.
Anybody know anything about this...???
Re: Bisley and the NRA
Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 8:54 am
by John MH
Nope, but if financial miss management and an old boys network of 'Wink, wink say no more' prevailed in the past and resulted in a fair market rent not being charged then things must change. Clubs may be complicit in not having planned for a fair rent increase and being happy with previous, not quite right but beneficial to them, arrangements. That being said to bring rents back to what they should be based on the past inflation rates and the current market rate would probably need careful consideration as a x10 increase would clearly not be payable for many clubs at present but they should pay a fair rent.
Re: Bisley and the NRA
Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 6:51 pm
by Steve E
Caravan rents have gone up 5% this year - well mine has.
As for the Clubhouse rents that is a different matter. True the Clubhouse rents may have been on the low side, but that is what was agreed between the clubs and the NRA. I have no knowledge or evidence that there was a nod and a wink to keep rent low.
We now have a situation that when Clubhouse leases come up for renew, the clubs are facing up to 800% rent rises coupled with clauses in the leases that prevent any non shooting activity taking place ( e.g. wedding receptions and birthday parties for non shooting friends ) thus restricting a clubs opportunity to raise money. With 5 yearly review of rents on all new leases, some clubs may find that towards the end of the 21 year lease they are being asked to pay upwards of £45,000 per annum. Where are Clubs going to find this money?
At the end of the new 21 year leases, Clubhouses that have been build by and maintained by clubs will now belong to the NRA.
We are now in a situation where some of the Clubs have to think very carefully about there presence at Bisley and I predict that some of the long established clubs may well disappear when their leases come up for renewal.
I do know that some of the Clubs have been challenging the new leases in the High Court. This has cost the Clubs a lot of money and also the NRA an awful lot of money which is your money if you are an NRA member.
As a committee member of one of the major Bisley Clubs, I am not at liberty to discuss details so please do not ask, as the answer will be in the negative.