Hi All. New here
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:42 pm
Hi All
Just returned to the fold after a long absence. The ink is still wet on my first FAC for 15 years! Ex pistol shooter if you hadn't already guessed. Looking to launch myself headlong into the world of .22 rifle (cheap), underlever rifle (fun) and muzzle loading revolver (couldn't resist but have yet to be convinced). Mostly target with action shooting probably top of the list. Can't get on with shotguns for some reason. Possibly due to being vertically challenged.
Joining the forum for the usual fun/banter/advice/abuse that I can get anywhere but is so much more distant on forums. Quite happy to have my brains picked and I'll try to avoid picking other peoples (too much). Not an expert on anything but I can probably sort out any Maths problems you might have.
Looking forward joining the community and many more years of shooting.
Just returned to the fold after a long absence. The ink is still wet on my first FAC for 15 years! Ex pistol shooter if you hadn't already guessed. Looking to launch myself headlong into the world of .22 rifle (cheap), underlever rifle (fun) and muzzle loading revolver (couldn't resist but have yet to be convinced). Mostly target with action shooting probably top of the list. Can't get on with shotguns for some reason. Possibly due to being vertically challenged.
Joining the forum for the usual fun/banter/advice/abuse that I can get anywhere but is so much more distant on forums. Quite happy to have my brains picked and I'll try to avoid picking other peoples (too much). Not an expert on anything but I can probably sort out any Maths problems you might have.
Looking forward joining the community and many more years of shooting.