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advice on F class at the Imperial.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:46 pm
by paulbradley
I'm thinking of entering a comp or comps during the imperial (a last minute idea due to a couple of days holiday being made available). I can only get up to Bisley for two days during that week so obviously the aggregates are out. I have no clue on which comps I should enter. This would be my first time at the imperial and the endless list of comps is a bit daunting. I'm shooting a .308 F/TR set up and have experience of only club level comps in that discipline. Help!

Re: advice on F class at the Imperial.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:21 am
by johngarnett
There should be a lot of help on here, but for starters-----go to NRA UK site and download the 'Imperial entry form' and, if poss, a copy of The Bible.

The form (and The Bible) will show the programme of events. So choose your days, check the comps on those days in 'The Bible' to see distance and round count. Then enter, on line is easy.

If you can't get this far, let me / us know and I'll post it here for you. You'll need accommodation. Try NRA but may be a bit late. For handholding you may find a kind and chivalrous forumer who is going who will guide you. I'm a TR shooter but the comps are the same except you lot get shoved up the end of the point like lepers 'cos you have easier targets than us :shakeshout:

Look at The Imperial as a club shoot but at Bisley, without your mates beside you. Don't be afraid to say it's your first Meeting to your other shooters on the line. They should be helpful. After all, we all had our first Meeting!!

Hope this is a start for you you

JohnG :cornwall:

Re: advice on F class at the Imperial.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:10 am
by Matt
Not the imperial but if you're looking at competing in FTR then it might be worth popping along to Bisley on the 28/29th June to watch for a while as it's the F Class long distance league shoot.....

Should give you a good idea of how a comp runs in preparation for your first comp shoot as even a few pointers in getting organised for getting on and off the firing point will help to steady the nerves bangbang

Re: advice on F class at the Imperial.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:51 am
by rox
paulbradley wrote:I have no clue on which comps I should enter. ..the endless list of comps is a bit daunting.
Here's a summary of the shoots, distances and the F Class round-count for the individual matches on each day.

Code: Select all

1st Fri 11 Jul: 500x (2+15 PG), 600x (2+15 PG), 900x (2+15 PG)
Mid Sat 12 Jul: 300x (2+15 PG), 500x (2+15 GA), 1000x (2+15 PG)
Mid Sun 13 Jul: 500x (2+15 GA), 600x (2+15 GA), 900x (2+15 GA)
2nd Mon 14 Jul: 300x (2+15 GA), 600x (2+15 GA), 1000x (2+15 GA)
2nd Tue 15 Jul: 300x (2+15 GA)
2nd Wed 16 Jul: 300x (2+7 GA), 500x (2+7 GA), 600x (2+7 GA), 900x (2+15 GA)
2nd Thu 17 Jul: 600x (2+15 GA)
'PG' are pre-grand shoots - essentially warmups, and are less well attended than the Grand Agg shoots ('GA'). There is only one individual shoot on 2nd Tue and 2nd Thu (the afternoons are very busy with team matches), so these are probably best avoided. 1st Friday is less well attended than other days, since they are only warm-up shoots and intrude into another week with regards to time off work. The Grand Agg shoots are generally more popular, since many people enter the Grand Agg en-bloc. The Queen's on 2nd Weds is usually the busiest day, since many people will enter the Queen's if they can only attend one day. There is also one more shoot on this day than on the other days, making it a bit busy, but they are short shoots (potentially less appealing to F Class in this respect).

The 300 yd shoot on 2nd Tue is Stage I - The F Class final is on Friday 18.
The 300, 500 & 600 yd shoots on 2nd Wed make-up Stage I - the F Class final is on Friday 18.

Re: advice on F class at the Imperial.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 8:37 am
by Dangermouse
Well done Rox,

I have no intention of shooting but that makes things much clearer,


Re: advice on F class at the Imperial.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 8:41 am
by IainWR
Don't forget that it is also possible to shoot the Match Rifle events in F-class. These start on Sat 5 Jul and continue until Tue 8 Jul, shooting 2+15 or 2+20 (or in a few events, no sighters - no pressure!) at 1000, 1100 and 1200 yards, usually 3 shoots each day. Also the McQueen (precision snapshooting at 300 yds, starts 7 Jul and runs for 10 days I think, unlimited entries on the firing point) has an Open class in which more or less any rifle is permitted.

Re: advice on F class at the Imperial.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:36 pm
by paulbradley
Fantastic. Thank you very much for making that clearer. I'll have a sit down and work out two days which maximise comps. I wish I had more time off, maybe next year...

Re: advice on F class at the Imperial.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:38 pm
by paulbradley
I'm down there on the 29th shooting club league f class with the Dorset Riflemen. I'll have a snoop at the others between shoots..

Re: advice on F class at the Imperial.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:57 pm
by Maggot
Matt wrote:Not the imperial but if you're looking at competing in FTR then it might be worth popping along to Bisley on the 28/29th June to watch for a while as it's the F Class long distance league shoot.....

Should give you a good idea of how a comp runs in preparation for your first comp shoot as even a few pointers in getting organised for getting on and off the firing point will help to steady the nerves bangbang
yep, come and watch me sweat bradders, but please for christ sakes dont wander onto the point and start gassing or you will get dealt with accordingly bangbang

Best advice Paul, have a chat then before you decide mate ;)

If it were me, I would enter the 3 league shoots that go on at Bisley each year.

Re: advice on F class at the Imperial.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:43 am
by paulbradley
OK bud I'll hold off until chatting on Sunday (not on the FP!) I will also regale you with my second place in smallest group last week ;)