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What case/bag & sights for the Bora 99

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:04 pm
by Primer
Just picked up a Bora 99 yesterday but didn't think about cases/bag for it as I was thinking it would go in my M & P 15-22 case but of course the barrel is a dam sight longer, so what cases are you guys using?

Also what Red dot do people recommend, I'm currently using an oko on my M & P but not sure it would be upto the job and I don't want to junk a £180 sight. I see blackstuff was using a sight mark ultra but has changed to an eotech now, are the sight marks any good as my budget won't stretch to an eotech at the moment?

Re: What case/bag & sights for the Bora 99

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:15 pm
by 20series
Not sure how long your Bora is but I recommend the AiM bags Either 40/50/60 which ever suits your needs, I have two 60's for my F-TR and F-open rifles

Excellent quality, well made with plenty of storage.


Re: What case/bag & sights for the Bora 99

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 2:21 pm
by John MH
As afa as sights go uo cannot beat a Aimpoint Micro, I have one on my M2.

Re: What case/bag & sights for the Bora 99

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:26 pm
by techguy
I use my voodoo tactical drag bag to carry it, and I have a vortex strikefire on top..

Re: What case/bag & sights for the Bora 99

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:15 pm
by Blackstuff
I'm just using a cheapy padded air soft bag for mine but I've got a Blackhawk padded scope cover on it too. Never seen the point in paying £££ on a bag when the gun never goes more than 200m from the back of the car to the range then once there it's in a rack.

Only took the Sightmark off mine because I got a good deal in the Eotech otherwise it'd still be on there. Good sight for the price :good: Bit of a bugger if you go for one of them as I think there's only UKMCpro that does then in the UK and they've just finished a 15% off everything and free shipping deal! :cool2: In fairness though that offer done come around quite regularly with them

Re: What case/bag & sights for the Bora 99

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:15 pm
by Primer
Can anyone tell me what the length of the gun is as mine is in bits so I can fettle the magwell?

Re: What case/bag & sights for the Bora 99

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 8:06 am
by Blackstuff
My Bora is at the gunsmiths so I can't measure it but it fits snug in a 46"/117cm bag (with a flush choke)

Re: What case/bag & sights for the Bora 99

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 7:25 am
by Primer
Blackstuff wrote:
Only took the Sightmark off mine because I got a good deal in the Eotech otherwise it'd still be on there. Good sight for the price :good: Bit of a bugger if you go for one of them as I think there's only UKMCpro that does then in the UK and they've just finished a 15% off everything and free shipping deal! :cool2: In fairness though that offer done come around quite regularly with them
Typical I ordered a sightmark off ukmcpro on Monday morning then got an email 8pm Tuesday to say out of stock and don't know when anymore will be in, I really hate it when websites show stuff in stock when they are not!! **** .

Re: What case/bag & sights for the Bora 99

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 7:48 am
by Blackstuff
Yes that is a pi$$ boiler :bad:

Re: What case/bag & sights for the Bora 99

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:40 pm
by 38Super
Primer wrote:
Blackstuff wrote:
Typical I ordered a sightmark off ukmcpro on Monday morning then got an email 8pm Tuesday to say out of stock and don't know when anymore will be in, I really hate it when websites show stuff in stock when they are not!! **** .


Which Sightmark did you go for? They do look good value if they are up to the job.

Is it a proper weaver rail on the Bora? I don't know enough to tell just by looking.

Oh yeah. New Bora owner here too :good: