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Notched hammer and .22 upper

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:22 pm
by capitano
Folks, looking into a dedicated .22 upper for my AR lower. But i've found it has a notched hammer. I've narrowed down my choice to CMMG, TacSol or DPMS ( although it looks like DPMS no longer do them).

Anyone have a notched hammer in their setup, where one of the above is being used and they had issues? And any thoughts/experience on the above choices v. welcome. sign92

Re: Notched hammer and .22 upper

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:37 am
by Cj10
I had an early version of the JP Speed Hammer in my SGC lower. When mated with a Tacsol AR-22 upper the hammer would result in out of battery discharges. As soon as I put a standard non-notched hammer in that problem ended,

If you buy a Tacsol make sure you see it working. I had one of the first in the UK, and this was also part of the first batch produced by Tacsol. It had numerous problems with the bolt group and chamber. I ended up resolving these myself as the support from the importer was virtually non existent.

Tacsol ended up revising the bolt group itself, but I don't believe any of these found their way into the UK as, by then the UK importer had moved onto the "next big thing".
