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Wanted: Target Rifle Accessories (spirit level/optical iris)

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 1:10 pm
by TattooedGun
As per the title really.

After an M18 Spirit Level that sits on top of the foresight, Centra/Gehman/Anschutz - blue/black for preference.

Also tempted by an optical rearsight iris. preferably a good one.

Anyone know of anybody whose packing it in and might have these bits, or someone who might just no longer need either of them.


Re: Wanted: Target Rifle Accessories (spirit level/optical i

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 1:30 pm
by rox
TattooedGun wrote:Also tempted by an optical rearsight iris. preferably a good one.
Can you clarify what you mean by 'optical'? (variable diopter perhaps?)


Re: Wanted: Target Rifle Accessories (spirit level/optical i

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:42 pm
by TattooedGun
Variable iris with optical correction: ... 75-30.html

Something I can dial in my prescription into on a rearsight so I don't have to wear glasses and I get a consistent sight picture... :)

Re: Wanted: Target Rifle Accessories (spirit level/optical i

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:35 am
by TattooedGun

Re: Wanted: Target Rifle Accessories (spirit level/optical i

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:57 pm
by hitchphil
Hi Tattooedgun -

They are very fickle to use & take a lot of getting used to & if you have an error in process like wandering the concentricity of your eye in the rear sight then they will kill any average you have. The also vary widely in quality - Ghemann modern are the only ones that worked for me & even then were not as good as proper shooting glasses. In failing light you cant shoot as they take out so much light & many people who have used them magnify the FS too much rather than focus it properly. Dirt inside & on the lenses is a pain & if you shoot outdoors dont expect them to prevent water ingress in rain & be usable. They mask any astigmatism & can make it worse.

I have an old Ghemann if you want to try it on loan with view to sale - PM me.