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My Handguns pre-1997.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 1:29 pm
by Paul-Andrzej
Came across some pictures of my S&W 645 .45acp and Colt Python .357magnum and thought I would post them. My biggest regret is that I did not have them deactivated in July 1997.

All cartridges seen in the pics were inert - safety in mind at all times.
Scan0001.tif (2.19 MiB) Viewed 4276 times
Scan0002.tif (1.96 MiB) Viewed 4276 times

Re: My Handguns pre-1997.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 1:30 pm
by Paul-Andrzej
Last two pics didn't work. Back to the drawing board....................

Re: My Handguns pre-1997.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 1:58 pm
by 20series
Paul-Andrzej wrote:Last two pics didn't work. Back to the drawing board....................
probably just the pic size just do another post or link via photobucket etc.


Re: My Handguns pre-1997.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:57 pm
by SevenSixTwo
Sorry for your loss.

Re: My Handguns pre-1997.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 9:33 am
by FredB
Don't be sorry---out of 16 pistols affected by the governmant robbery I had two deactivated. They bothered me every time I saw them---destruction is distruction---we don't keep dead bodies. I sold them off pretty quickly.
The ones I am most proud of are the few that I saved from destruction by getting them exported or on the the Historic Pistol scheme. Best of all was my Colt single action which is now being happily used in a club in Northern Ireland.

Re: My Handguns pre-1997.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:47 am
by ordnance
The ones I am most proud of are the few that I saved from destruction by getting them exported or on the the Historic Pistol scheme. Best of all was my Colt single action which is now being happily used in a club in Northern Ireland.
Glad to hear that. They are popular with the cowboy action shooters here.

Re: My Handguns pre-1997.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:23 am
by Paul-Andrzej
FredB, I never thought about that. On reflection if I had done the same, I could have visited them now and again and had a go. Anyway, too late now.


Re: My Handguns pre-1997.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:24 pm
by froggy
Wahooo.... Nice ones !! That Python was such a beauty !!

BTW I am sorry but I completely fail to understand. Instead of surrendering them, why on earth didn't the English shooters join & store them into continental clubs ?

You guys could "visit" & shoot them as much as you like depending on your time-table & finances. The day you, and not some political nerd, decide to stop, you can still sell them to a native shooter that will appreciate and give you a much better price than "Gvt's compensation".

Everybody make their own choices and I understand, in an ideal world, the pleasure of having one's toys into the safe at home. But in the real world it ain't gonna happen, so I am happy to go for second best option : ie : store & shoot them about every 6 weeks. In fact, I end up shooting my pistols more often than I shoot my UK resident full-bore rifles. Anyway, that is me and I find it works very well :good:

Re: My Handguns pre-1997.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:48 pm
by Trident
'depending on your time-table & finances' - some people did move their pistols to Europe or the US, others didn't have the time or the money.

For some pistols the compensation scheme price was not unattractive, eg I bought a Hammerli rapid fire pistol in 1986 for £295, but when I wanted to sell it I couldn't find a buyer. The compensation scheme paid 75% of the new replacement price - I got £850 for the pistol, and the compensation payments for a .22 GSP and .32 conversion unit were similarly generous.

I bought gallery rifles to 'replace' my pistols.

There was a feeling amongst some shooters that if the government was going to screw us, then we would screw the maximum compensation out of them.

Sorry to be a bit negative.

Re: My Handguns pre-1997.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:08 pm
by Andy632
I well & truly ( ;) ) 'deactivated' mine before I surrendered them; none of them would ever fire safely again!!