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Thompson/Center R55 .22LR

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 10:41 am
by Odd Job
Post 'em if you got 'em :D

I currently have two R55s, both of them are Benchmarks. These are great rifles, it is a shame they are no longer made. They are very accurate semi autos.

Here's one of mine with an ASE Utra moderator and Harris bipod. Had the barrel threaded by Steve Kershaw, very nice job he did too...


I am quite happy with the scope also, it is a Bushnell Elite 6-24x50 with a first focal plane reticle.

Re: Thompson/Center R55 .22LR

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 10:53 am
by DL.
These were on my short list for a reliable .22lr semi auto, if I didn't have that space filled, I would happily have one of these in the cabinet. :good:

Re: Thompson/Center R55 .22LR

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 4:44 pm
by Odd Job
My mistake, it was Mike Hough who threaded the barrel, not Steve Kershaw. Steve Kershaw smoothed the trigger for me.
These were on my short list for a reliable .22lr semi auto, if I didn't have that space filled, I would happily have one of these in the cabinet. :good:
They are very nice indeed!
I don't know why Thompson/Center Arms stopped making them, but it happened around the time they were bought by Smith and Wesson.
S&W will honour the lifetime warranty on the R55 by exchanging it for an S&W 15/22 (which is hardly the same category of rifle).
Parts are difficult to get for the R55. Numrich has some of the springs and you can get receiver screws online, but if you damage a firing pin or extractor you are going to have to get a replacement custom made...

Re: Thompson/Center R55 .22LR

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:42 am
by froggy
Awesome surgical tool ...
This rifle will indeed shoot-out & perform flies wings amputations at 25 yards in the skilled hands of our South-African Vet Odd Job :good: