Thought it was worth a punt before ordering one from the States.
Wanted a 38/357 case holder for use with the LeWilson trimmer new or second hand.
LeWilson 38/357 case holder.
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Re: LeWilson 38/357 case holder.
Try Reloading Solutions or Spud1967 before ordering fro the states.
Re: LeWilson 38/357 case holder.
Or Brownells UK
Re: LeWilson 38/357 case holder.
I will swop a 6.5x55 or 8mm case holder for a 38/357 one if that helps. If I don't get any joy Ill have a go at making one rather than mess about getting one from the states.
Re: LeWilson 38/357 case holder.
Dave, if you cannot find a swap for a case holder I will happily swap something for the spare 8mm and 6,5x55 ones you have as I am after both of them.
Re: LeWilson 38/357 case holder.
If I don't get any joy by the weekend Id be willing to swop them for some thing else not sure what though.
Re: LeWilson 38/357 case holder.
Sorted now thanks managed to get hold of a second hand one.
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