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Do you need a Section 1 shotgun to have slug?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:40 am
by ptheta
Just wondering if I let my Section 1 shotgun go, would I be able to keep the slug on my license to shoot in my Section 2 gun? Does anyone on here have the slug and not a Section 1 shotgun?

I've not shot any PSG since the little one arrived and I find myself having to make an effort to shoot the shotgun just to make up my 3 goes a year. In spite of that, it's still nice to be able to stick a few rounds of slug down Butt Zero at the running man (*).

(*) Was more of a walking wounded man on Sunday. Damn thing kept packing up and needing to be power cycled. I'm told the NRA have been informed several times but it is a new system so hopefully it's just teething problems that can be worked out.

Re: Do you need a Section 1 shotgun to have slug?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:01 am
by Blackstuff
You just have to show 'good reason' to keep it. So some form of target shooting using S2 shotguns and slug like the Timed & Precision Hostoric categories for target shotgun comps would do

Re: Do you need a Section 1 shotgun to have slug?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:05 am
by ptheta
I'm not doing any competitions any more either. That applies equally to all my guns though.

I thought that being a member of a club that had access to appropriate ranges (and using them) was sufficient good reason.

I should probably give me FEO a call to discuss.

Re: Do you need a Section 1 shotgun to have slug?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:10 am
by Blackstuff
If your club has the facilities and does indeed run such comps i'd wager you are participating ;)

Re: Do you need a Section 1 shotgun to have slug?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:12 am
by ptheta
Informal/adhoc competitions certainly. :D

Re: Do you need a Section 1 shotgun to have slug?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:19 am
by Demonic69
So long as you keep your FAC and you've somewhere to shoot slug you're all good, just remember to keep it in the safe ;-)

Re: Do you need a Section 1 shotgun to have slug?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:20 am
by ptheta
I'll lay off the full chokes on the over/under then.

Re: Do you need a Section 1 shotgun to have slug?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:33 am
by ptheta
Any thoughts on what I should ask for a Benelli M1 Super 90 with one of Steve Pike's mag extension jobs on it? Mag will hold about 10 rounds. Think you can squeeze 11 in with 65mm but I've not done that in ages.

Not trying to be cheeky and flog it on this thread. I'll start a new one in the right place for that when I make my mind up for sure. I was just wondering what the current value is. Couldn't see much on GunTrader to compare with.

Re: Do you need a Section 1 shotgun to have slug?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:59 am
by zanes
ptheta wrote:I'm not doing any competitions any more either. That applies equally to all my guns though.

I thought that being a member of a club that had access to appropriate ranges (and using them) was sufficient good reason.
Yes, it absolutely is sufficient, as per the guidance notes.

This "you must be shooting competitions to have good reason" (and I appreciate blackstuff wasn't saying this, merely using it as an example of good reason) is one of the most obnoxious misconceptions shooters seem to have. It does us no favours with newcomers.

Re: Do you need a Section 1 shotgun to have slug?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:20 am
by Blackstuff
ptheta wrote:Any thoughts on what I should ask for a Benelli M1 Super 90 with one of Steve Pike's mag extension jobs on it? Mag will hold about 10 rounds. Think you can squeeze 11 in with 65mm but I've not done that in ages.

Not trying to be cheeky and flog it on this thread. I'll start a new one in the right place for that when I make my mind up for sure. I was just wondering what the current value is. Couldn't see much on GunTrader to compare with.
Not sure if this is within forum rules but depending on condition i'd guesstimate £700-800