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Getting back in the swing

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:51 am
by mbawden
Hi all,

I am after some information and guidance as I want to find a club near crawley that conduct full bore shooting. I used to be in cadets and shoot .22 and L98 rifles. I then moved up to the bigger brother when I joined the navy firing SA80 and getting my first taste of pistol as well.

Also what are the things to look out for joining a new club.

I haven't shot for several years but I want a good club that can show me the ropes again and possible comps.



Re: Getting back in the swing

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:58 am
by Christel
Hi Marc, welcome to F-B :wave:

Re: Getting back in the swing

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:53 am
by RobB
Hi Marc,

I'm 18 miles south of you near Lewes but ended up joining a club at Bisley. For you it would be about 40mins.

Re: Getting back in the swing

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:18 pm
by mbawden
Hi Rob,

Who do I contact at Bisley about coming and seeing the club and getting more information. Also what courses would I need to complete to start.

Re: Getting back in the swing

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:33 pm
by RobB
I can only comment on the route I took having only taken up full bore in Jan this year. I went with 'Old Sergeants Mess' . Multi disciplined and have a club house on the right as you enter Bisley.

You will probably have to do the probation course but can shoot all the club events during that time (except a form of FAC shotgun I think).

I'm sure others will come with other suggestions as well....

Re: Getting back in the swing

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:36 pm
by mag41uk
You will need to do a probationers course.
This can be within the NRA (expensive but inclusive and full on ) or done in your local HO approved club.
Contact the NRA for proby details or details of a local to you club.
The NSRA also have club details.
Some one will come along with a club finder link or use the search function here as its been covered before.

Re: Getting back in the swing

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:45 pm
by 20series
Hello and welcome

Lots of it depends on what type of shooting you want to do

For small-bore/air/crossbow the NSRA Club Finder here

For full-fore, blackpowder etc the NRA clubs ... =NRA&cat=4

Hopefully that'll help, there are lots of people on here from your neck of the woods, so hopefully they'll be able to offer some more specific advice


Re: Getting back in the swing

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:46 pm
by Steve E
What disciplines do you want to shoot?
If it is the traditional prone Target Rifle, join one of the large established Bisley Clubs and do their probationary course. Cheaper than the NRA and more focused. For other disciplines at Bisley, contact the NRA Training/Membership dept and ask to be put in touch with clubs that regularly shoot various other disciplines.
My club is just about to start its probationers course, but it is pure target rifle. Cost under £100 for the first weekend plus annual membership fee of £125. Shooting days are about £25 including ammunition and rifle/jacket etc.


as you are ex-navy you are eligible to join the RNTRC (Royal Navy Target Rifle Club)

Re: Getting back in the swing

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:52 pm
by karen
I used to know a Marc Bawden when I lived in Islington about 28 years ago - he used to have an Italian girlfriend and came from Weymouth I think. Just wondered if you are the same one?

Re: Getting back in the swing

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 1:02 pm
by mbawden
Hi Steve,

I would prefer to just do target rifle to start. Silly question but what kind of clothing do people usually wear on a weekend shoot?

What calibre round is most target rifle, I have used 5.56 and 7.62 but no others.

I wasn't aware of the RNTRC so I might have a look at that.