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Cz 455

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:01 pm
by Sailor
I've decided I want to get a cz 455 as it will be nicely in my budget but now I'm not sure which model may suit me best for what I plan on using it for.
The rifle will be used mainly for target shooting standing @ 20 yards and prone @ 50 & 100 yards, but also will be used for rabbit shooting when I get the time.

The two options that I like the look of are the 'American' and the 'varmint TH'. I will be trying out both for feel before I buy but just wanted to see if anyone else is in the same boat as me and hear some opinions.

Re: Cz 455

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:06 pm
by shotgun sam
I have the American synthetic it is a working gun hence the synthetic stock as there is no chance of the stock being affected when wet and if the stock is scraped so what, the 455 is a good all round rifle so pick what suits You.
I did however try a TH at the range a nice looking bit of workmanship but to me it did not feel comfortable my view on them is they are one of the latest must have fads like the latest rimfire AR type black guns where you must have this than and the next thing add on thank you very much I will stick to my bog standard synthetic stock 10/22

Re: Cz 455

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:10 pm
by Les
I have a CZ 455 Varmint T/H with a 20" barrel, which I mainly shoot from a bench. It is a decent rifle, but prefers 'premium' ammunition for the best accuracy.

The trigger is very crude but quite effective, and it can be lightened by fitting any of the trigger kits available. If you make it too light, expect the bolt to come straight out the back of the action if you pull it back too hard. It is really a pity that CZ haven't devised a better trigger mechanism.

The stock is reasonably comfortable, but in hindsight I should have got a sporter and not the thumbhole, because the lack of a 'thumb up' position spoils an otherwise nice stock.

Would I buy another? No, I wouldn't. It is too ammo fussy for my liking, the trigger is a disaster, and all-in-all I am not impressed. :bad:

Re: Cz 455

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:49 pm
by saddler
Better option would be an earlier incarnation. ..BRNO 1, 2 or CZ452/453

You'll save a lot on what a new 455 would the earlier you go back the better the build quality.
Put the money saved to use in a better scope

Used a Mod.2 for over 2 decades. Had a S&B 6x42 on it.
Never any problems with it.
Cannot say the same about the 455 models I've seen & used

Re: Cz 455

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:32 pm
by Sailor
So far then it's been advised to go for an older model. I have shot a 452 American 16" barrel and I did get on with it well, this is what drove me to looking at the 'American' model and I did like the 455 version. But I guess I sticking with something that worked well for me would be a wiser decision.

Re: Cz 455

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:07 am
by Dave 101
On US forums the 455s aren't not rated that highly , personally unless you need to change calibres easily what's the point in having one .
Whilst you can still get the 452 over here I would go for a 452 Varmint with a 20" barrel and do a trigger job on it .


Re: Cz 455

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:06 pm
by CDM5
I've had 2 455s, both are great, swapped my 20" .22LR one for a 16" .17HMR. Fitted in a Boyds Pro-Varmint it makes an excellent nightvision host.

Re: Cz 455

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:51 pm
by Sailor
Managed to find a SH CZ 452 American at a very good price. Took it to the range tonight and could not be happier. Feels great to shoot and gave me some good first groupings :D Now I need to find a better scope for it and I'm all set any????

Re: Cz 455

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:47 am
by shotgun sam
I have a 452 style and it shoots very well you can put round after round in the same hole, the only reason I got a 455 was the fact I could get barrels in 17 hmr which would give me a bit extra distance later on in the year when the rabbits get a bit wiser and you cannot get near to them to use the 22 and a 223 against a rabbit is just a bit of overkill and expensive. the 17 hmr is also great for foxing at night.