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Hi from Greater Manchester

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:41 am
by Activ8
Hi all, I know a few off other forums but thought I'd introduce myself to the masses.
First off my name is Steve & i'm based in the Greater Manchester area of the country, I'm 37 years of age with a wife & 11 year old lad who is convinced he knows all there is to know in life! I'm sure many of you have them haha.
I used to shoot in my early teens, using air rifles until I joined army cadets in my mid teens. After that, coming from a family with serving members, I joined up myself but didn't last long if truth be told for various reasons 8-) during the brief time I was in though & through my cadet years I got to shoot the .303 Lee Enfield, SLR & SA-80 so had some limited experience of firearms.
Life flashes by & before you know it you're in your 30's & married! Then last year a good friend took me shooting & I loved it. The discipline of waiting for your perfect shot, the breathing & general feeling of calm I felt from target shooting at various ranges was enough to get me hooked.
A good six months later after several sessions with my friend, I decided to join a club. I looked online & found one not too far away that I felt suited my needs with availability, price etc. I headed down & signed up as a probationer, did my induction & had my first session on their indoor range... Yep I was hooked.
Another six months later & I was a fully fledged member of the club & regular shooter. I've been going most Monday nights & in March decided to go for my FAC. Being Manchester based & under GMP I was caught up in the issues with delays through them re checking all FAC holders, I was told it'd take a minimum of six months to go through so prepared myself for the long wait.
Anyway... The process took only three months & in June I received both my FAC & SGC through the post, to say I was pleased was an understatement. I was also approved for everything I'd requested which was also a bonus. To top it off my wife got hers too, hers allows her to shoot & have access to ANYTHING on my FAC but to also buy her own allocation of ammo.
My FAC currently has:
3 x .22lr > plan was a bolt action each & a semi auto
1500 .22lr ammo each
.308 > long range target at MOD ranges & local full bore range
600 .308 ammo each
Section 1 12g shotgun > practical shotgun & bird
200 slug each
4 x moderators
So that's pretty much where I currently stand, I wasn't in any rush (pfft who am I trying to kid) to buy my first rifle but came across a gentleman selling a .22lr CZ 452 silhouette second hand through our club. It had only had 600 rounds put through it & the price included a scope... So inevitably I snapped his hand off & purchased my first rifle. Had it checked out by several members & they all said it was like new. Problem now is I want the others lol
So that's me. Hoping to pick your brains & learn as much as I can with as much contribution as I can offer with my own limited knowledge.
All the best, Steve

Edit: To add... I'm a BASC & UKPSA member.

Re: Hi from Greater Manchester

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:50 am
by dromia

Re: Hi from Greater Manchester

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:55 am
by BamBam
Welcome Steve. cheers

Re: Hi from Greater Manchester

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:57 am
by Christel
Steve, welcome to F-B :wave:

Re: Hi from Greater Manchester

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 11:46 am
by Les
Hi Steve .... welcome to FBUK! :good:

Blimey, if your lad already knows everything, wait until he's a teenager! :o 5mith

Re: Hi from Greater Manchester

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:57 pm
by Marmite5

Re: Hi from Greater Manchester

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 1:57 pm
by Activ8
Les wrote:Hi Steve .... welcome to FBUK! :good:

Blimey, if your lad already knows everything, wait until he's a teenager! :o 5mith
Lol I know.. Apparently I'm just "old" & don't get it, whatever 'it' is of course.

Thanks for the welcome too everyone.

Re: Hi from Greater Manchester

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:43 pm
by 20series
Welcome to the forum : goodjob

We've got a little cz 452 silhouette for the wife and sons to shoot and it's a great way to get started.

Re: Hi from Greater Manchester

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:30 pm
by WelshShooter
Welcome to the forum! The CZ 452 is a great rifle indeed. I found one made in the 90s that had never been fired and only cost me £180! It included a nice bolt pouch and the original manual.

Re: Hi from Greater Manchester

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:05 pm
by Gundoc
Welcome Steve!