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Ruger Old Army .44/.45

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:31 am
by CDM5
I have a slot on my FAC for a .45 MLR which I'd like to fill with a Ruger OA.

However looking on Guntrader they can be listed as either .44 or .45 cal.

Would it be fair to ask my FLD to amend the .45 slot to ".44/.45 MLR"?

Re: Ruger Old Army .44/.45

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:54 am
by bradaz11
you don't need to ask for MLR, just ask for pistol.

my force wouldn't give me either or calibre wise

but the RFD listing it might list it as 45 on your ticket even if they advertise it as 44

Re: Ruger Old Army .44/.45

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:33 am
by Robert303
I explained the problem to Police Scotland (the old Central division) and they gave me .44 / .45. Get a picture of the markings on each cut and paste onto your letter and have a go. No RFD with any sense will risk putting a .45 on a .44 variation or vica versa.

Re: Ruger Old Army .44/.45

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:42 am
by Demonic69
Mine says:
.36 to .45 | Pistol MUZZLE Loading

Re: Ruger Old Army .44/.45

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:39 pm
by CDM5
Glad to see it's not unheard of.

I ought to be able to ask for something else on a 1 for one now. :good:

Re: Ruger Old Army .44/.45

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:30 pm
Yes my variation was to include the .44/.45 MLR slot, but it came back as a .45 MLR in error. My FEO hadn't heard of this before, but when he checked with his boss it was fine.
CDM5 wrote:Would it be fair to ask my FLD to amend the .45 slot to ".44/.45 MLR"?

Re: Ruger Old Army .44/.45

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:49 pm
by Demonic69
CDM5 wrote:I have a slot on my FAC for a .45 MLR which I'd like to fill with a Ruger OA.

However looking on Guntrader they can be listed as either .44 or .45 cal.

Would it be fair to ask my FLD to amend the .45 slot to ".44/.45 MLR"?
Does you Firearms Dept not use an electronic system?
South Yorks can only grant what's on the system, which is why they called me when I asked for a specific calibre of MLP and granted me the full range.
If they're just granting willy-nilly I'd ask hem for the full-range to make your life easier.

Re: Ruger Old Army .44/.45

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:50 pm
by saddler
Demonic69 wrote:Mine says:
.36 to .45 | Pistol MUZZLE Loading
So a single shot, or a double/quad barrel handgun, but NOT a revolver?
Makes normal sense to them that do the admin.

Re: Ruger Old Army .44/.45

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 2:05 pm
by Demonic69
saddler wrote:
Demonic69 wrote:Mine says:
.36 to .45 | Pistol MUZZLE Loading
So a single shot, or a double/quad barrel handgun, but NOT a revolver?
Makes normal sense to them that do the admin.
LOL, luckily they're not too pedantic ;)

Re: Ruger Old Army .44/.45

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 2:40 pm
by Sim G
Early Ruger Old Armys were marked as .44s. A year or so into production that was changed to .45.