advice on choosing my first fac rifle and s1 shotgun.

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advice on choosing my first fac rifle and s1 shotgun.

#1 Post by m.plum »

I have question I found some answers but still have concerns.
Ive been told my first rifle must be easy to use, and easy to clean. Must also be simple . my budget will be between £500 and £700. Is a second hand Remington 700 a good choice for a start? If yes what calibre should I use 22 or 308? If that's a bad idea what would you recomend?
And instead of applying for shotgun certificate again is a good idea to try add on my fac s1 shotgun for clay pigeon shooting. The reason for s1 shotgun will be clay shooting. Will that work?
Forgot to say I am from north east Scotland.

Re: advice on choosing my first fac rifle and s1 shotgun.

#2 Post by HALODIN »


You should probably cut your teeth with a .22 target rifle, if you've already spent a few months shooting .22, then yes a rem 700 is a fairly standard first full-bore rifle and most people buy it in .223, which will get you out to about 600 yards comfortably and further with a stout load. In .308 it should get you to 900 yards, but .223 is cheaper to shoot. I can personally recommend an Anschutz match 54 for .22 target shooting, I don't think you'll find anything as good for the money, circa £300.

I might be wrong, but I don't think clay pigeon shooting is justification for a section 1 shotgun, but PSG is and then you could request (if not done automatically) the use for clay pigeon shooting when you apply.

Good luck!
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Re: advice on choosing my first fac rifle and s1 shotgun.

#3 Post by dromia »

My advice would be to shoot as much as you can before making your decision, there are many good firearms out there within your price range and only your preferences will tell you which is best for you. That experience is gained with trigger time which your club colleagues should be more than happy to help you with.

A 22 RF is also a good choice to have on your FAC and will keep you shooting between full bore range days.

Section 1 shotguns may limit your choice of clay shooting grounds as many are not cleared for the use of FAC firearms which as section 1 shotgun is classed as.

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Re: advice on choosing my first fac rifle and s1 shotgun.

#4 Post by Activ8 »

Just (3 months ago) received my first FAC & SGC, I have a section 1 shotgun on mine & it says on my licence can be used for clay & practical shotgun. Also states I'm a member of UKPSA, (also BASC) which is very cheap your first year & something you should consider if looking to do practical shotgun. I was also granted 200 slug.

My first rifle was/is a CZ 452 silhouette which I love, I've also slots for another two .22lr & a .308 which I'll probably (like yourself) buy a Remington 700 sps & add an accuracy international chassis for it.

Re: advice on choosing my first fac rifle and s1 shotgun.

#5 Post by Robert303 »

Dromia is right. You need to find out, and be happy about what kind of shooting you want to do, what kind of competitions are there run by your club or that you want to try? Are you going to do most of your shooting at 200m / 600m / 800m etc etc. On your budget buy the best quality you can as later on you can 'Trade Up' You will get good value for money with an O/U sec 2 shotgun with no problems using it on any clay grounds. An old but good .22 target rifle should be a reasonable cost and you can then decide what you want for a full bore rifle.

Re: advice on choosing my first fac rifle and s1 shotgun.

#6 Post by zanes »

Clay pigeon shooting on its own is NOT good reason for a section 1 shotgun, but is added automatically (or should be) once other good reason has been established for said shotgun slot.

Yet to find a clay pigeon ground with a blanket ban on S1 shotguns.
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Re: advice on choosing my first fac rifle and s1 shotgun.

#7 Post by Blackstuff »

The clay pigeon condition on the shooters FAC provides the authority to shoot clays with an S1 shotgun, the ground does not need special clearance for it.

The only additional clearance a shotgun ground/club needs from the police is S11.6 authority* which permits people without a certificate to shoot there, but as S1 shotguns cannot be owned by clubs or lent out to others, it's not an issue. S11.6 authority is a simple matter of insurance.


As already mentioned clay pigeon shooting is not a 'good reason' to apply for/own an FAC shotgun. PSG and pest control are the accepted reasons. If you don't plan on getting into PSG i wouldn't bother with an S1 shotgun, they aren't the best tool for clays for the majority of people.

ALWAYS try before you buy with firearms until you know what you're doing, and even then you should still attempt to.

Re: advice on choosing my first fac rifle and s1 shotgun.

#8 Post by m.plum »

Thank you all. I'll be shooting 100M on daily basis and occasionally 600M. OK understand now I don't need .308 calibre. Like dromia said I'll ask people in the club if I can try their guns before making any decision. I was planing to have only one rifle and if I could use .223 ( can I?) on 100M that would be great compromise between 100M and 600M range.
I give up with the shotgun too much hassle for occasionally clay shooting. Stay with target shooting only.

Re: advice on choosing my first fac rifle and s1 shotgun.

#9 Post by HALODIN »

Yes .223 is perfectly fine for both.
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Re: advice on choosing my first fac rifle and s1 shotgun.

#10 Post by 20series »

HALODIN wrote:Yes .223 is perfectly fine for both.
I agree with Craig, you'll be fine with a .223

Have a look around there's quite a few about. Don't forget about a scope, personally I'll probably only ever buy Sightrons from now on but there are cheaper options about.

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