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Planes straffing

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 10:49 am
by douglas670
Just read this thread with interest.
when I worked on the farm on the coast of the Scots borders we had what i would call not very modern tarctors/combines etc. Now and again I would be ploughing in the field with only seagulls for company when a jet would fly over me from no where and for a split nan second i thought the tractor engine was going to blow up or got the fright of my life!!, for years this happened and I awlays thought the Bu**ers were using me as target practice, I also remember dad telling me when on the same farm/era that he was in his combine harvester a jet flew directly over him and dad then pulled the emergency engine stop button as he too thought the engine was going to blow!!!
finally hurrah you all say!!!! we were moving cattle from one field to another but we couldnt get them near to the gate as they would run off past us many a time so after about the 20th attempt and just at the gate all seemed to go well when a bloody jet flew over and stamped them back again.
so I always thought they did it on purpose!!

Re: Planes straffing

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 10:58 am
by Christel
I bet they were having a right giggle up there in the cockpit.


Re: Planes straffing

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 1:25 pm
by Jenks
I was once duty armourer on a range at Sennybridge. the battalion were firing Carl Gustavs and the Wombat. they had just got started when the Officer commanding got a message to say that a convoy of vehicles had somehow driven perilously close to the edge of the danger zone being the only one with not much to do I was dispatched in a Land Rover too sort the situation Out............. My instructions were explicit... They were not,under any circumstances to be allowed to progress further down the road and into the danger zone. I approached the convoy from the opposite direction from within the D/zone and stopped my vehicle in front of the lead vehicle of the convoy effectively blocking the road. A Major jumped out of the lead vehicle incandescent with rage screaming at me to get the Fook out of the way. He wasn't interested in hearing my OCs orders. Just then a flight of hawker Hunters (i think) appeared from nowhere at zero feet above the convoy. Apparently the convoy was acting as the target and the troops within the vehicles were to get out of the vehicles and take cover or what ever one is supposed to do when caught on an open road by attacking aircraft. I was not a popular junior NCO I can tell you. :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)


Re: Planes straffing

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 1:29 pm
by Christel
Cringe worthy.
:lol: :oops:

Re: Planes straffing

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 1:47 pm
by ovenpaa
Off topic but I can remember a story my old boss told me about when they were issued PIAT's for the first time, his officer with no formal training told Bob to sling it in the back of the truck and they would find a target, they happened across an old blown up tank (Somewhere in Egypt) and Bob was instructed to drive to about 30 yards of the tank to set up, much to his dismay, to cut a long story short he did manage to persuade the officer to retire to a slightly safer distance before taking a pot shot and both managed to escape serious injury :?

Re: Planes straffing

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:23 pm
by Robin128
Back in the 70's they were using Pembrey for practice bombing runs...and they would then belt up Llanmadoc Hill and right over the top of the inlaw's farm...always surprised one, given the near supersonic speed they were doing...great laugh!
