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NEW PRODUCT: The J&J Powder Stand

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:41 pm
by JD4570
Here's a look at our latest product, the J&J Powder Stand.

Now you can put your powder hopper anywhere you darn well want!

The J&J Powder Stand

Price to be confirmed shortly...

Re: NEW PRODUCT: The J&J Powder Stand

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:25 pm
5KG you say. Is there an optional extra wheels kit available?

Re: NEW PRODUCT: The J&J Powder Stand

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:54 pm
by JD4570
BRYAN3 wrote:5KG you say. Is there an optional extra wheels kit available?
Well, then it would roll off the bench lol

Re: NEW PRODUCT: The J&J Powder Stand

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:08 pm
by JD4570
The standard model will be a gold/bronze, a little redder and a little darker than the one in the video. That's £124 and carriage (probably £5 or £8 to mainland UK depending on speed).

Any other powder coated colour (from the range we'll have on offer), also £124 as above.

The carbon fibre tac stand will retail at £135.

Turnaround time from colour ordered to delivery, not sure but probably 7-14 days.

These stands are made from scratch in Britain.


Re: NEW PRODUCT: The J&J Powder Stand

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:09 pm
by bradaz11
how much???!!!!

why would you not just buy the £25 rcbs stand and screw it to a block of wood? or even bolt it to something like 6mm stainless plate for about £25 ... SwirZTuIi8

plus a few £ for some adhesive feet

Re: NEW PRODUCT: The J&J Powder Stand

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:33 pm
by Alpha1
I must admit I was shocked at the price its a nice bit of kit but I have made two very similar items for my two RCBS powder measures if I had known people would pay that kind of money for them Id have made a few more. But if you don't have the facility to make them yourself and you are looking for a super dooper powder hopper holder they are certainly up to the job.

Re: NEW PRODUCT: The J&J Powder Stand

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:46 am
by ovenpaa
Manufacturing things, especially at low volumes can be very expensive. Look at the design time, then material costs, add machining time and finishing and things soon add up. More importantly not everyone has the ability, facilities or even the inclination to build something like this from scratch, it is UK produced and fills a gap.

Re: NEW PRODUCT: The J&J Powder Stand

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:23 pm
by JD4570
Thank you David, that about sums it up.

Sure, you can "knock something up" out of scrap and it maybe it will or maybe won't get the job done and you might be delighted with it. If so, great!

Alternatively, you can have something that has been properly worked out, professionally laser cut, CNC finished, available in a range of powder coatings and is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Unless we take it to China, that kind of thing just doesn't come cheap.

It's there if people would like to consider it (and believe me it is gorgeous!) But I won't blame anyone for developing their own... if they have the necessary tools, expertise and materials and don't want to splurge.

The steel base is 12mm thick. A thinner plate just doesn't have the necessary weight.

Re: NEW PRODUCT: The J&J Powder Stand

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:16 pm
by Alpha1
It's definately a nice job and one of them will last you a life time I suppose. We get a lot of stuff in stainless laser cut it certainly makes a difference and saves a ton of work. But like you say not every one has that luxury.