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Capper for .44 Remington 1858 revolver?
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:00 pm
by River
I have just got a Uberti .44 Remington 1858 revolver - I want to get a Capper to make putting on the Percussion Caps easier, however I hear that the space around the nipples is quite tight and not all cappers will fit - any recomendations on the best one to get please?
Re: Capper for .44 Remington 1858 revolver?
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:11 am
by dromia
Some of the inlines may fit with a bit of tweaking, my Ted Cash inlines won't fit my Pedersoli Remington but an old cheapy Italian with a bit of bending does.
For Remingtons I usually open out the nipple gap with a dremel and a cone grinding wheel to take snail cappers as I prefer their greater capacity.