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Will 4 inches matter to me?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:44 am
by Pesty
I've narrowed down my search to 2 rifles now. Caliber .308

One has a 20 inch barrel. The other is approx £400 more expensive and comes with a 24 inch barrel

Will,be taking trips'out to a 600 yard range thought the year hopefully. Is it a case of buy once cry once spend the extra or just get the 20inch

Yes I am asking if size matters. :)

I understand that extra velocity comes with longer barrel I'm wondering if for my use is it worth bothering.


Re: Will 4 inches matter to me?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:48 am
by mag41uk
If you are only ever going to shoot no further than 600 the 20 inch will be fine.
On a good day 800.

Re: Will 4 inches matter to me?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:15 am
by ovenpaa
In theory the difference in muzzle velocity between a 20" and 24" .308 is going to be anything from 60 to 100 fps. The 24" will get to 1000 at a push and I totally agree the 20" will be quite capable at 600.

Re: Will 4 inches matter to me?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:21 pm
by DaveT
I can all but guarantee you that your ambitions will increase and that very soon 600 yards will not seem so far.

Get a 1000 yard gun in 7mm or 6.5mm or a long barreled 308.

Re: Will 4 inches matter to me?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:30 pm
by polemass
4" longer hmmm....400£,only...every man's dream....get it :run:

Re: Will 4 inches matter to me?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:30 pm
by polemass
Yes,get longer barrel,maybe resell value will be also better?but I also think 6.5mm is the way to go....

Re: Will 4 inches matter to me?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:54 pm
by mag41uk
But of course there are a heap of calibres better than 308!
I don't shoot 308 never have and probably never will (maybe a straight pull!)
I have a 260 which will do 1200 plus on a good day. I wanted one gun that I knew from the outset would do 1200.
In fact a lot of my 308 shooting club mates grizzle about it!
Some will crack over the next 6 months and go the 6.5mm route.
It really all comes down to whether you will reload or not and if you end up going proper long range.
As said 600 will get less of a challenge the more you shoot it.
260 and other 6.5`s will mean you will have to reload unless you get some one like HPS to make it for you.
The other issue is that there are infinitely more 308`s available.

Re: Will 4 inches matter to me?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:21 pm
by Pesty
Hmmmm makes sense

Ok how about this, get the cheaper 308 now as that's what I've put in my slot. When I get ambitious then get a 6.5 or rebarell it next year/years?

The other thing is with the cheaper rifle I can spend more on the scope.

Will look into 6.5 seems all kinds of different ones

Re: Will 4 inches matter to me?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 3:16 pm
by DaveT
A perennial conundrum.......nothing wrong with a 308 and perfectly feasible to rebarrel later BUT a new barrel will cost upwards of 700 quid......what is cheaper in the long run?

Only you can decide whether or not to change your slot but if a 308 is a fixed decision then get a long for reloading it's the way to go for serious shooters.

Re: Will 4 inches matter to me?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 3:26 pm
by ovenpaa
I have to ask the question, why consider the move from a .308 to an alternative so quickly? A .308 barrel is good for several thousand rounds unless you are hammering it at some of the F/TR levels and out to 600 it is very capable, certainly sub MOA if everything comes together. A reasonable .308 gets the job done, is relatively cheap to feed and ammunition and consumables are always available.

I am lucky enough to shoot a variety of rifles in 6,5mm, 7mm as well. The 6,5x284 is super accurate however it is not going to make 1000 shots, my 7mm SAUM wildcat's current barrel will be toast at 550 shots, my 6,5x47 is superb to 1200 on a still day with a pointed 123 Scenar however hard work in a stiff breeze...