Rossi Lever action

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Rossi Lever action

#1 Post by Dahonis »


To add to a list of ailment's I now have arthritis in my left shoulder. I can no longer shoot full bore as such, even hand loaded cast at 100m is a problem aaarggh

I'm looking into the purchase of a Rossi, this will purely be for shooting indoors at 25m.

Does anyone else have a dodgy shoulder and has turned to a Rossi or such like, looking perhaps at a .357 (or anything with light recoil)

Any info will be greatly appreciated helpsign


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Re: Rossi Lever action

#2 Post by dromia »

Recoil is a function of bullet weight and velocity in any rifle so it is how you load your ammunition that decrees its brutality.

Also heavy guns help mitigate the effects of recoil but then you have to lift the damned things. Stock design can also help.

So the Rossi can recoil hard depending on the load just as a Moisin Nagant, Lee Enfield etc. can be made to shoot like a 22rf.

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Re: Rossi Lever action

#3 Post by Dahonis »

I will pop round to see you when you get back
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Re: Rossi Lever action

#4 Post by shugie »

A Rossi will shoot 38 special more than happily, and the recoil is quite modest.
Careful now/that sort of thing

Re: Rossi Lever action

#5 Post by mullen7 »

I shoot my 1894 Marlin in 357/38 using about 3 grains of bullseye under a 158 gr SWC, and the recoil is very very manageable, it's very light and a lovely round to shoot.

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Re: Rossi Lever action

#6 Post by Dahonis »

[quote="mullen7"]I shoot my 1894 Marlin in 357/38 using about 3 grains of bullseye under a 158 gr SWC, and the recoil is very very manageable, it's very light and a lovely round to shoot.

Thank you, I do like the sound of that goodjob

Re: Rossi Lever action

#7 Post by HH1 »

Dahonis wrote:Hi,

To add to a list of ailment's I now have arthritis in my left shoulder. I can no longer shoot full bore as such, even hand loaded cast at 100m is a problem aaarggh
Have you considered using Trailboss made specifically for reduced (recoil) loads.

My Dad will be 82 next month and he shoots his 45/70 Rossi under lever with 12 gr. of Trailboss behind a 405gr lead bullet just fine.

I think he uses it in his Lee Enfield 303 too (a proper, fully functional one... not a butchered Deact).

He also uses it in his .44 mag Marlin under lever, but I'm not sure the load ... only that he gets through plenty of rounds at the indoor range. I let him try my .375H&H once, (No! never again, it hurt) so he does know what a hard hitting rifle can be like.

It is a bulky, donut shaped powered and forgiving to use.

Re: Rossi Lever action

#8 Post by Dahonis »

I do shoot out to 200 maybe 300 meters, the 100m is not so bad, I use 5 or 6 grains of any fast burning powder and such like over a 155gr cast boolit. (7.62x54R)

I use a 202gr for anything else but this has repercussions the next day and the rest of the week. 200 to 300m is shot from a butt, not prone.

Adam, usually comes to my aid *cough *cough when I'm stuck...............

I do fancy something else for 25m other than .22LR, but with light recoil and easy to load.

Pistol caliber shooting from a rifle is something I have never done, apart from military gear.

Re: Rossi Lever action

#9 Post by Livefast »

I use my .44 Mag Rossi 92 with 5gr Titegroup for a accurate and light recoiling load.
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Re: Rossi Lever action

#10 Post by meles meles »

Dahonis wrote: I do fancy something else for 25m other than .22LR, but with light recoil and easy to load.

We're not sure that isn't just your RAF training showing through rather than anything medical... green55
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