Ranges & Clubs in Norfolk

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Ranges & Clubs in Norfolk

#1 Post by norwichyarn »

Hello everyone :)

I'm a shooter in Norfolk and although I already belong to clubs I wonder if anyone has any further info on the following please:

1 - Rumours have been heard that there may be a rifle range opening soon near Spixworth (just outside Norwich) does anyone know if this is true?

2 - Corpusty (about half way between Norwich & Holt) used to have a range (you can see it in the village) but does anyone know if it is still active and who any contacts are? A hunt (pardon the pun) on Google found a few articles going back a few years but cannot seem to find out if Corpusty Range is still going.

Thanks all :)

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Re: Ranges & Clubs in Norfolk

#2 Post by Attleborough »

Hi - I understand the Corpusty range is still active. There are three ranges at the site, 25m, 50m & 100m. I understand its mainly .22LR but other calibres and BP may be OK subject to arrangement. I'm not sure which clubs use it as a base but I believe there are clubs still there. I don't have any contact info I can share, but the Norfolk County Rifle Association website (https://www.ncra.co.uk/index.php) might be a staring point if you haven't already tried them.
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