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Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 4:49 pm
by marko686
Hi all , i have got space on my ticket for 45-70 lot of pesky buffalo up here :),
now im in the market for one probably second hand and there are a few for sale on guntrader and the likes so im not sniffing around here looking for one as im not allowed to do that ,
not yet anyway till i get 15 posts i think, what i am looking for is some advice on what i should be looking for second hand , like anything i should be avoiding .
I want one that does both black powder and nitro , i know krank does them i seen this one i kinda like as i like the back sight for range ... les/720827

appreciate any advice thanks.

Re: 45-70

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:26 pm
by redcat
Do you have a particular style in mind? The Sharps repro that you show above is very popular but there is also the Remington rolling block, Winchester 1885 and a couple of lever actions. All of the modern repros will shoot black as well as nitro and the .45/70 s a great cartridge to reload.


Re: 45-70

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:25 am
by dodgyrog
I have a Harrison and Richardson Handi Rifle in 45/70 - tremendous fun and kicks like a mule!

Re: 45-70

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:15 am
by DaveB
I had one of the Pedersoli Sharps Business Rifles, but the damn thing was so heavy that while I didn't mind shooting it, I sure hated carrying it! Traded it in for the Cavalry Carbine version. Much better! Interestingly enough it will barely group a foot at 100 yards with modern smokeless (Federal) .45-70, but with black powder or Pyrodex, it is a real tack-driver. Download the cartridges to 60 grains of Pyrodex to match the original carbine load and it shoots like a dream.

Re: 45-70

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:31 am
by jmc67
I have a Marlin 1895SBL and absolutely love it. It is however one of the Remlin ones (rather than the pure Marlin) and the finish is not 100% (more like 97%), so try and find an early Marlin one if you decide to go down that route, or if you go for a Remlin thoroughly check it over. Be aware of muzzle energy and requirements of ranges. It's not a gallery rifle (well according to NRA at Bisley anyway) based on the muzzle energy which limits me to the outdoor ranges there. I'm guessing you're happy with reloading, as you'll need too - only commercially available ammunition in the UK is Hornady Leverevolution and it's very expensive. Reloading for it is easy enough.

Re: 45-70

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:43 am
by dodgyrog
jmc67 wrote:I have a Marlin 1895SBL and absolutely love it. It is however one of the Remlin ones (rather than the pure Marlin) and the finish is not 100% (more like 97%), so try and find an early Marlin one if you decide to go down that route, or if you go for a Remlin thoroughly check it over. Be aware of muzzle energy and requirements of ranges. It's not a gallery rifle (well according to NRA at Bisley anyway) based on the muzzle energy which limits me to the outdoor ranges there. I'm guessing you're happy with reloading, as you'll need too - only commercially available ammunition in the UK is Hornady Leverevolution and it's very expensive. Reloading for it is easy enough.
Reloading with cast boolits is the way to go - use a 405gr RNFP

Re: 45-70

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:03 am
by jmc67
Dodgyrog, absolutely, that's what I use. As mentioned it's very easy to reload for as well for anyone new to reloading.

Re: 45-70

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:32 am
by mag41uk
I have a Uberti 1885 carbine known as Thumper! It too seems to shoot better with black. Very easy too load for with huge range of powders and bullets. I use the lyman 535gn postell and a lee custom 420gn .

Re: 45-70

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:06 am
by s.stimson
I'm mulling adding a 45-70 to the collection (most likely an underlever), with the intention of shooting both BP and Nitro through it; do I need to look for anything special in a rifle capable of both powders or am i fairly safe to splash the cash on whatever excites me?

Re: 45-70

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:08 am
by HH1
I also own a Marlin 1895 SBL. I previously owned the older version about 10 ten years ago and I always regret selling it. ... 895SBL.asp

There is an option that I use to allow me to shoot this rifle on indoor 25m ranges and that is reloading with 13gr. of Trailboss behind a 405gr. lead cast bullet.