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Two shots one trigger cycle
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 12:25 pm
by safetyfirst ... dcb93c444d
I'm sure someone here will point to the relevant legal stuff, I'm guessing this trigger is illegal here though?
For those video phobic, it fires one shot on squeeze, one on release.
Re: Two shots one trigger cycle
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 1:19 pm
by 25Pdr
I can equal that two shot speed with a twin trigger O/U Baikal Shotgun. Onlookers suggest that the gun is faulty but I can get two shots off fast using one finger only, it almost appears to be full auto.
Re: Two shots one trigger cycle
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:12 pm
by breacher
Re: Two shots one trigger cycle
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:31 pm
by Pesty
Liberal American "gun grabbers " are going to lose their when they hear about this.
Re: Two shots one trigger cycle
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:39 pm
by SmithSights
Pesty wrote:Liberal American "gun grabbers " are going to lose their when they hear about this.
It's so fun messing with 'em!
Re: Two shots one trigger cycle
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:42 pm
by nickb834
I had a look at the law on this - currently section 5.1a is defined as:
any firearm which is so designed or adapted that two or more missiles can be successively discharged without repeated pressure on the trigger;
To my none legal trained eye - they get you with the "without repeated pressure", which using the normal interpretation of "repeated" and "pressure" would mean "each shot fired requires a trigger press".
Of course this echo trigger is a shot release on press, and then another on release.
It's almost like "they" thought of this when "they" wrote it.....
Now - here's a thought experiment - what would happen if you had a ratcheted trigger - say squeeze the trigger 10 times - and nothing happens as you've cranked well a crank round 10 times, then you flip the safety off - and rat a tat a tat a tat a tat (you get the picture). That's 10 presses on the trigger and 10 shots fired..........
If you have a look at how a burst fire M4 works with it's cam, it has four positions - the fourth is a stop where the trigger is disconnected - but when on burst it fires the 3 rounds advancing the cam until it hits that stop. So in my head - have it that the cam has 10 positions (or whatever arbitrary number) and the trigger pulls cycle the cam (like winding up a roman catapult!) and then the flip of the safety lets it off. In every sense of the words you've pulled the trigger 10 times - and 10 shots have been fired.
Natch this would be a S5 if full bore (as we're firing, ejecting, and reloading on each shot) but we'd be golden in 22RF.
Re: Two shots one trigger cycle
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:04 pm
by Blackstuff
As soon as these started to come out I was straight into the Firearms for our (UK) definitions of semi/more than semi-automatic as it would also drop into my BR99. Unfortunately I came to the same conclusion as Breacher/Nick.
It would be brilliant for mini-rifle for double taps too
Re: Two shots one trigger cycle
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:12 pm
by breacher
Playing devils advocate..........
The act says "repeated pressure" but does not specify the source of the pressure - ie finger.
It could be argued that the finger applied pressure discharges the first round. Then a second pressure is applied by the return spring on the trigger to discharge the second round.
The pressures are seperate and different in that they come from different sources and in different directions.
Re: Two shots one trigger cycle
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:01 am
by Gazoo
I once fired a Star .45acp that shot 7 times with 1 pull, full auto, it only did it the once and I believe they fixed the broken firing pin( or something) while I was changing underwear !!!
Re: Two shots one trigger cycle
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 8:28 pm
by andy h
One of the gun's i had in the past was a Bingham pps50 22lr and that would fire on trigger pull and then again on trigger release , Man did that chew through the ammunition quick.