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Fox scope and general scope question.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:10 pm
by Pesty
I have a used fox scope it came wth no instructions

Quick questions

It says 1/8 per click what magnification is that? I'm guessing it has to be at a certain mag setting.

Say zero my scope at 100 how many clicks do I need to move to adjust for 300 and then 600?

Re: Fox scope and general scope question.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:17 pm
by saddler
Pesty wrote:I have a used fox scope it came wth no instructions

Quick questions

It says 1/8 per click what magnification is that? ALL of them...

Say zero my scope at 100 how many clicks do I need to move to adjust for 300 and then 600?
1/8 per click will be at 100yrd at 300yrd a click will equate to 3x that & at 600yrd a click will be 6x that: i.e. at 800yrd a click will be 1"

Re: Fox scope and general scope question.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:25 pm
by ovenpaa
The number of clicks required will be down to the weight of bullet, muzzle velocity and ballistic coefficient. Once you know these you can easily calculate the number of clicks/MOA required using something like JBM:

Re: Fox scope and general scope question.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:45 pm
by Daryll
Pesty wrote:I have a used fox scope it came wth no instructions

Quick questions

It says 1/8 per click what magnification is that? I'm guessing it has to be at a certain mag setting.

Say zero my scope at 100 how many clicks do I need to move to adjust for 300 and then 600?
Back to basics... the "1/8" means it will move the crosshairs 1/8 of a minute of angle (MOA). As 1 MOA is roughly 1 inch at 100 yds, 1 click will move the point of impact (POI) 1/8 of an inch at 100 yds.

This does relate to distance...double the distance, double the movement.

So at 200 yds 1 click will move the POI 1/4 inch, at 400 yds it will move it 1/2 an inch, and as Saddler said, at 800 yds it will move it 1 inch.


Re: Fox scope and general scope question.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:51 pm
by Pesty
Thanks guys

Ahhh 800 yards 1 inch all becomes clear makes sense wish listed in maths. She'd make these lessons at school might have paid attention.

Think I'll work all out and write it down I'll never remember numbers

I'll try the calculator too

Re: Fox scope and general scope question.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 8:00 pm
by Pesty
Using tat caluculator I'm now confused again

So at 300 yard 10.9 in drop so I need to calculate (1/8 x 3) /10.9 yes?

Heads hurting now I'm going to go make some bullets rest my brain


Re: Fox scope and general scope question.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 8:34 pm
by ovenpaa
Forget the inches bit, you are interested in the MOA and 8 clicks on your 'scope equals 1 MOA

Re: Fox scope and general scope question.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 8:54 pm
by Pesty
Ok so if my maths is correct

100 yards 0 clicks @ 1 click is 1/8 of an moa

300 yards 9.3 Clicks @ ( 1/8 x3) / 3.5 ( 3.5 being Moa drop as per above table)

600 yards 15.7 clicks

800 yards 19.3 clicks as 1 click is 1 Mia @ 800 yards

As we can't do points ound up? Turning turret to raise bullet impact.

Re: Fox scope and general scope question.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 8:55 pm
by Daryll
To be honest, i don't see the point of the 1/8th MOA scopes... I suppose if you're a benchrest type, that 1/8 of an inch at 100 yds may make a difference, but for most shooters 1/4 click is plenty fine enough adjustment.

No... don't forget you have 8 clicks per MOA......So for 800 yds, you need 19.3 MOA... at 8 clicks per MOA thats 154 clicks... good luck counting those out :D

Re: Fox scope and general scope question.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:04 pm
by Pesty
Jesus it's like being back at school doing homework before a test I've even shown my working wallhead

That's enough brain Work for tonight I'll think about it some more tomorrow. Maths was never a strong point