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FAC interview this Wed
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 2:25 pm
by jdwoodbury
Ok so I have my FAC interview at my home this Wednesday, any tips on what questions I should be prepared to answer?
I guess they will ask about why these guns and ammo quantity, I am fairly sure I can explain why I chose them but not sure if I have to have detailed proof (i.e. what completions I may enter, and the details of the discipline).
- Would it be worth me having written evidence on the research into these shooting disciplines?
- If I plan to reload do I need to call that out?
Re: FAC interview this Wed
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 3:07 pm
First of all - don't worry. As was said to me, have tea and biscuits on hand.
They may try and challenge you on the number of firearms and the volume of ammo, but if you can justify your request then you should be fine. In my case, just knowing the disciplines that the rifles I've requested could be used for was enough. Having documented proof of your research, is unnecessary IMO. As for reloading, by all means mention it as an aspiration, but they're unlikely to factor it in to your ammo allowance on your first grant if that's what you mean.
What rifles/allowances have you applied for?
Re: FAC interview this Wed
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 3:15 pm
by jdwoodbury
My list is as follows:
.22LR Rifle / LBP (750)
.44MAG Rifle (350)
.45ACP LBR (350)
.223/5.62 Rifle (350)
Re: FAC interview this Wed
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 3:25 pm
That's not an overly demanding first grant, so you should be fine. Bear in mind you can change it completely when your FEO comes out to see you, calibers, ammo count and even the number of rifles. They fill out the real paper work with you when they visit. With that in mind...
In terms of .22LR - you won't be able to choose either a rifle or an LBP against the single slot, you'll have to distinguish between both on your application. i.e. one, the other or both. In terms of .22LR ammo, 750's on the low side. If you go for a semi-auto .22LR rifle or LBP you can rattle through that pretty quickly. I'd suggest trying to up it to 1,200 or 1,500 if you can when you chat to him. I was initially granted 1,200 and upped it to 3,000 on my first variation after 6 months.
In terms of .44 - I'd suggest you have your rifle and your LBR in the same calibre, it makes life easier. So IMO, I'd ditch .45 ACP unless you have good reason to keep it. .45 ACP LBR's are also more difficult to sell because fewer people have them on ticket. If you change it so both are .44 then 600-700 is about right.
In terms of .223 - I presume you mean .223/5.56 and again 350 is about right.
What about adding a .308, a .303 and some moderators to the list?
Re: FAC interview this Wed
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 4:49 pm
by jdwoodbury
Thanks Halodin
Yes I have .22 Rifle and LBP on a different slot.
I was advised to go .45ACP on the revolver as it was easier to speed load on practical comps than the .44 (and slightly less recoil).
You lost me on the .223, I honestly thought the 5.62 was the same round, I was advised to add this in-case I bought military spec ammunition.
The only reason I did not add the .308 was I thought 5 was enough slots for a 1st application and I wont get as much opportunity for long range shooting (unlike practical).
Re: FAC interview this Wed
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 4:57 pm
Then it sounds fine, you've considered everything by the sounds of it. In terms of .223, 5.56 is the military metric equivalent, so .223/5.56 is the norm if you want the freedom to buy either rifle/ammo. It's a similar issue with .308 where 7.62x51 NATO is the military metric equivalent, so .308/7.62 is another common combination.
6-8 slots are the norm in my experience, but you should should still consider a moderator for your .223/5.56 rifle. As a minimum it will save you £26 should you wish to swap the moderator slot for a rifle during a variation in the future.
Good luck for Wednesday.
jdwoodbury wrote:Thanks Halodin
Yes I have .22 Rifle and LBP on a different slot.
I was advised to go .45ACP on the revolver as it was easier to speed load on practical comps than the .44 (and slightly less recoil).
You lost me on the .223, I honestly thought the 5.62 was the same round, I was advised to add this in-case I bought military spec ammunition.
The only reason I did not add the .308 was I thought 5 was enough slots for a 1st application and I wont get as much opportunity for long range shooting (unlike practical).
Re: FAC interview this Wed
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 5:11 pm
by jdwoodbury
Re: FAC interview this Wed
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:39 am
by SevenSixTwo
Go for much more on your holdings. If they reign you back from 2,000 to only 1,000 then you win. Hold amounts are ridiculous anyway.
Why so much?
--> Batch consistency.
Re: FAC interview this Wed
Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 5:55 pm
by jdwoodbury
Interview went well, license should be in the post within 2 weeks (thanks only just over 5 weeks end to end!!)
A few things I was informed that surprised me:
- Limited to a hold of 600 on .22LR for new grants (also gave me the same for all other calibers)
- I was asked to validate my slots and should only have things listed I plan to acquire within 12-18 months
- I was asked to record any ammo I reloaded on my ticket (as if I had purchased it)
Re: FAC interview this Wed
Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 6:18 pm
by phaedra1106
jdwoodbury wrote:- I was asked to record any ammo I reloaded on my ticket (as if I had purchased it)
That is completely incorrect, you
never write on your own ticket. There is no legal requirement for recording reloaded ammunition though many of us do keep a record for our own use, no. of rounds a rifle has fired, data on powder charge weights, bullet weights etc. etc.
Do not write anything on your FAC, I'd ring the licensing department and ask them to clarify this, if they insist get them to put it in writing, they won't.