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G36 feeding

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:02 am
by bradaz11
ok, so I had the RFD who supplied the gun to have a look over it, he basically said keep it clean. and thinks that I won't be able to return the gun to the imprters as I have stuck a new front end and carry handle scope on it.

he cleaned, lubed and slightly polished out the chamber with wet and dry. i took it to the range, and put about 400 rounds through it, and narrowed down one mag for causing a lot of feed issues, but can't see anything different from the other mags. I still get occasional feeds from the other mags, but only had 6-8 misfeeds out of 200 rounds (the discarded mag resulted in about a misfeed around 1 in 3-4) when the rounds foul, they catch the heel on the outside of the chamber, and drag lead back down to the case, jamming it solid and stopping the bolt. once removed, they still will not go back in the chamber.

now at the same time, I had also picked up my ruger 10/22 that had been in storage. I thought I'd see how the jammed rounds chambered in the ruger. they went straight in and fired fine. now this must mean the two chambers are different sizes.

what can I do to the g36 to open it out? Do i wet and dry it a bit more? or maybe ream it out larger?

what sort of dia of chamber should I be aiming for?

would it be worth countersinking the g36 chamber edge slightly? to help feed the heel of the bullet rather than catch it?

Re: G36 feeding

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:15 am
by Kungfugerbil
Personally touching the chamber would be my last port of call - too much fiddling there and you can harm accuracy and safety*

If you've sorted the feed ramp and made sure that the spring is beefy enough to send the bolt home, I would look again at the magazine and try different ammo. On my match rifle Eley takes some effort to close the bolt whereas RWS is figertip stuff. The magazine that is fouling more often might look similar, but there is probably something causing drag - lazy spring, damaged feed lip, plastic extrusion fouling the follower etc.

* I realise it's only rimfire but the principle still applies.

Re: G36 feeding

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:00 pm
by walesdave
Not sure how long you've had the G36 but it might be worth reminding your RFD that your 'contract' as a consumer is with the retailer and not the importer or manufacturer etc. and that the Consumer Rights Act 2015 applies to firearms just as much as washing machines, TVs, shoes, cars and any other product you purchase (except for a very few specified products).

Looking at some consumer forums (for other issues, not your G36) making minor alterations that don't have any relation to the problems you complain about shouldn't stop a valid claim under the CRA 2015.

Re: G36 feeding

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:26 pm
by bradaz11
i've had it about a year. TBH, I was surprised he was willing to look over it at all. he did offer to return it to the importer, but said they MAY not accept it on warranty due to the changes.

the feed ramp looks fine. no sharp edges there, only on the edge of the chamber.

the spring is strong enough that when it jams a round it's difficult to pull out with fingertips, so not sure that is an issue

I've tried minimag, federal, eley match, and their semi auto stuff. plus some other semi auto brand I dont remember. none have been flawless, and all jam the same way.

Re: G36 feeding

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 10:51 am
by bradaz11
anyone else?

Re: G36 feeding

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 8:03 pm
by bradaz11
ok, decided to strip the gun down and get a good look at the chamber. looks like a burr on the edge to me...

there is almost no visible chamfer, the camera is picking up lead I think.




so apart from two slight burrs, can't see too much else. to me it looks like it could need a slight chamfer

Re: G36 feeding

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 8:45 pm
by Sim G
Don't chamfer it. Regardless of how little material you do remove in the chamfer you will be doing so "right at the engine room"! That is exactly where it all happens with a rimfire, right on the edge of that chamber. There is also an argument that if you do, you've lost all recourse from the dealer and secondly, you could actually need to have it reproofed as you would have removed material from a pressure bearing part....

Try a little bit of a polish to the edge of the mouth of the chamber.

This bit is going to sound harsh, but it's not meant to. You bought a cheap "Tactical .22". It's a fun gun, a toy, a bit of a laugh. Yes, there are those which tick along forever never missing a beat and there are those that quite frankly, just don't. Evidently, you've got one that doesn't.

Until you've exhausted just about every ammo type, got a couple of new magazines and run it through, this will probably be its mark. The only military style 22 and magazine system that seems to work is the M&P, everything else is Diet Coke. Live with it, or get rid, I doubt you'll ever be able to tun it into a Smith....

The full-bore G36 isn't much good either, if truth be told....

Re: G36 feeding

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:15 am
by saddler
I bought a chamber swaging iron for exactly such issues.

Re: G36 feeding

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:18 pm
by bradaz11
Sim. Very good advice. Thank you. I think you are right.

Saddler. What is one of them