Hello from Chepstow
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:09 pm
Name is Denis and I'm an experienced shot gun shooter/returning rifle shooter, based near Chepstow. I shot both full and small bore many years ago and have been shooting clays with a 12g off and on for decades. I'm currently a probationer at Monmouth & District Rifle Club, where I hope to become a full member in the near future. I also recently joined Chepstow Rifle Club as a probationer, mostly because it is closer to where I live and, between the two clubs, I have a lot of flexibility in terms of which nights I can shoot which is useful due to the irregular hours I work.
I've been mostly shooting .22 gallery rifle but I've also enjoyed a little .223 and .308. I would do more full bore work but, given the cost of ammunition, there seems little benefit in practicing with a club gun that I can't adjust for fit etc. so I don't plan to do much full bore until I have my FAC and can progress with my own firearm.
My interest is 100% in target shooting. I'd like to work my way up to F Class over time, as long as my eyesight holds out!
Name is Denis and I'm an experienced shot gun shooter/returning rifle shooter, based near Chepstow. I shot both full and small bore many years ago and have been shooting clays with a 12g off and on for decades. I'm currently a probationer at Monmouth & District Rifle Club, where I hope to become a full member in the near future. I also recently joined Chepstow Rifle Club as a probationer, mostly because it is closer to where I live and, between the two clubs, I have a lot of flexibility in terms of which nights I can shoot which is useful due to the irregular hours I work.
I've been mostly shooting .22 gallery rifle but I've also enjoyed a little .223 and .308. I would do more full bore work but, given the cost of ammunition, there seems little benefit in practicing with a club gun that I can't adjust for fit etc. so I don't plan to do much full bore until I have my FAC and can progress with my own firearm.
My interest is 100% in target shooting. I'd like to work my way up to F Class over time, as long as my eyesight holds out!