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Re-applying after a few years away.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:23 pm
by Retired and bored
Good evening all, I've put this in the Just Starting section, but, in one sense, I'm not a beginner, but after suffering a couple of seizures just over two years ago, I've lost some of my memory. I'm still perfectly able to function as I did before, it's just some personal memories are missing, practical and day to day activities are second nature, so I can still recall all the things I used to do and life for me is no different, but on th day of the seizure, in order to protect me, the brain shut down, like an overheated computer. The seizures were not epileptic, but dissosciative, meaning, it was caused by a stressful situation outside of my control. I won't say exactly what happened or occured at the moment, but I can tell you, I'm very, very, very lucky to be still above ground.

I've held FAC and SGC for almost 30 years, I was asked to surrender my tickets due to the seizures, so after asking some advice, I did just this, I reapplied late last year, but was turned down, as it was deemed to close to the episodes. I'm now two years clear, the neurologist is 100% sure I'll never have another episode, plus, several things and situations that caused the seizures, have been removed from my life and are no longer an issue or have any consequence.

I used to help a mate with deer control, so I had a Swede for that and was in the processof joining a target shooting club, prior to the seizures, I also had a .223, which was mainly for fox/vermin, but would have been going with me, target shooting. I had a .22lr for smaller permissions, all had moderators and I used to reload.

I have the forms filled in and almost ready to post off, I'll be using the blank page on the application, to try and give a detailed and itemised profile of myself and to try and further my case, but I'm wondering if I can add anything to help my cause?

I'd be very grateful for any advice and suggestions, I really miss my guns, I first shot and air rifle when I was 7 and that first shot resulted in a Rook tumbling from the tree. That was in 1967 and I've been shooting ever since, so you can understand, my guns are my life, I'm lost without them.

So, hit me with what you have.

Re: Re-applying after a few years away.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 8:52 pm
by IainWR
Tell the story, tell the truth, keep it as short as possible without missing anything out. Get the neurologist's opinion in writing, and show it to a disinterested but competent outsider before you let the police see it - doctors mean what they say and no more, no less. Police are institutionalised into trying to read between the lines. Make sure that the specialist's words can't be misinterpreted, and if they can, ask him nicely to add content to prevent that happening.

Re: Re-applying after a few years away.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:56 am
by Blackstuff
Glad to here your seizures have stopped :good:

As above, i would be expecting to pay for a doctors/specialists report to go in with the application.

Good luck!