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Youngsters Shooting and Gun Safety
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:05 pm
by Christel
Re: Youngsters Shooting and Gun Safety
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:35 pm
by judders
Thanks Christel, an interesting article and it's quite relevant for me right now.
I'm waiting for my FAC to come through and at some point in the near future, there will be firearms in the house for the first time.
We have a 19 yr old boy, 17 yr old girl and 13 yr old boy. They all know I've been shooting for a nearly a year now and none have shown much interest (I have offered to take them along several times). I am undecided on if I should familiarise and educate them about the safety aspects, or just not bother as they haven't shown any interest.
Would be interested to hear how others handle the children/firearms safety issue.
Re: Youngsters Shooting and Gun Safety
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:46 pm
by DaveT
I think that its as simple as EDUCATION from the outset.
My two sons (early twenties) are familiar and SAFE with firearms because I have spent time (a lot of time!) with them getting them used to safe handling , using and reloading. I have also shown them what harm guns (rifles and shotguns) can do if misused.... IE the damage they can cause ...using inert targets of course! I now trust that they are as safe as anyone can be and won't do anything stupid. They also enjoy coming to the range with me and its a fantastic family 'thing' to spend time with your kids that way. If only this country had a healthier attitude towards guns then I think that we would have a real leisure industry based around responsible firearms usage.
Re: Youngsters Shooting and Gun Safety
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:09 pm
by ovenpaa
My son and daughter both shot pistol with me from early/mid teens. The son is a fine, competent and safe shooter and comes out with me a few times a year on long range days with his own rifle.
My daughter, well she was liability with a pistol and unless I was standing right behind her I always felt slightly uneasy. That was many years ago and she has matured however I would be wary of taking her shooting even now. I love her to bits however she lacks any form of common sense with firearms. Luckily she also has no interest.
Re: Youngsters Shooting and Gun Safety
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:23 pm
by Christel
I think it is paramount from a very early age (if firearms are in the house) to show them, engage them (even if they are not interested) tell them, basically make them a part of it. That way it is not a mystery, nothing dangerous.
However what I also find important is that they do not tell all their mates that Daddy has guns.
Above all, keep them (firearms, not kids) behind lock and key and DO NOT SHOW them where the key is kept.
Re: Youngsters Shooting and Gun Safety
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:57 pm
by dromia
My bairns were brought up with guns and used to accompany me fur and feather shooting. When they were 8 and were competent to carry the little single shot .410s I'd had cut down for them the both killed, gutted, skinned and cooked their frist flopsy. That wasn't so much about shooting, as I was confident in their ability guns and shooting was normal in our house and dinners came from it, it was about them understanding the food chain and if you were going to be a meat eater then thats what it involved. Not that everyone should go around killing their own but if you eat meat then someone does it by proxy for you. If you are comfortable with and understand that then eat meat but if not don't be a hypocrite.
I think the thing is to make guns out to be normal every day tools and just part of life, we'd also binned the telly by then and I think that helped too. Both of them 28 and 30 now, both eat meat and shoot when they can. The son has two babies now to worry about, I've two single shot .410s ready to be sized to them when they are old enough to blooter flopsy and the dowter is busy with her career but still likes to take a deer a year at least.
They are both gun safe and the dowter is indeed a good shot. To me guns and kids were never an issue shooting was part of life and anyone who thought otherwise was the odd one. Learning about shooting was just another part of growing up and learning to take responisbility. its when they think thats its something wrong and dangerous and different that their approach can be timorous.
I brought my children up think if the thing or idea has mass appeal then it is probaly something you want to give little value too.
Both the bairns are glad of the approach we took now although I think it was hard for them in school, but character building none the less.
BTW think toy guns for children are important as is cowboys and indians, British and Germans or whatever they play now. Play helps children articulate the input that they recieve and violence is something they need to get to grips with and proper play is important in this.
Re: Youngsters Shooting and Gun Safety
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:08 pm
by DaveT
100% agreement with everything that is being said.... if guns are treated as just another tool to be respected , used and enjoyed responsibly then what has made it all such a big issue?
Re: Youngsters Shooting and Gun Safety
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:11 pm
by judders
Thanks all, really useful feedback.
They aren't interested at all and that's fine, but think I will spend some time with them explaining things anyway. If nothing else but to demystify guns and make them just another tool, as suggested.
Defo agree about them not telling friends too.