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First Generation P-H Enfields identification?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:28 am
by dromia
Any one know the cut off serial number for the Parker Hale series of M/L Enfields?

The rule of thumb I've heard of to date has been 4,000 but what does that actually mean when identifying original P-Hs before theye were made and partly made in Italy?

Is serial number 4,000 a first generation and serial number 4,001 second generation?

Any other pointers to first generation originality?

I've trawled through David Minshalls site alot as he has been collecting PH serials but cannot find a definative answer, perhaps there isn't one.

Could you help David?

Re: First Generation P-H Enfields identification?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:09 am
by ResearchPress
I've got no definitive answers, but the "Made in England" Parker-Hales I think go up to around 15,000. A number in the 4000s is dated from the mid-1970s. I'm not sure where the "Assembled in USA" Parker-Hales seem to start, I don't have enough information yet. The Italian Parker-Hales seem to have serial numbers in the 30,000s, but possibly as low as 25,0000.

On the British proofed barrels there's a tiny date code on the underside with the proof information. Two letters and a number in a circle or between crossed swords. If I know this I can identify the year the barrel was proofed.


Re: First Generation P-H Enfields identification?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:29 am
by dromia
Many thanks David. :D

Re: First Generation P-H Enfields identification?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:14 pm
by dromia
Hi David, I've just got my Hands on PH .451" Volunteer.

Serial Number H812.

Underside of barrel proof marks crossed swords, horizontal quarters - left hand "L" - right hand could be either "C", "G" or an "O", I would go for a "G" but not really clear even with a magnifying glass. Bottom quarter "1".

Can you make anything of these marks and serial number for me?

Re: First Generation P-H Enfields identification?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:42 am
by ResearchPress
I think this is LC1 and would date the barrel as being proofed in 1985.

Can you confirm that this has a 36" barrel (it sits in a batch of these by serial number). Rifling should be Henry.



Re: First Generation P-H Enfields identification?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:46 am
by dromia
Yes it has a 36" barrel, not sure on the rifling, looked a bit shallow to me.

Its PH in front of the serial number the P is very lightly struck.

Re: First Generation P-H Enfields identification?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:41 pm
by saddler
:goodjob: :cheers: party2

Having read several of the excellent postings by Research Press on the web, well done on finding one of these Adam!

I did have leads on a couple, but as happens, by the time I had sorted out a variation for .451 they had vanished to other happy homes

Apart from the lack of 3-band .451's, I seem to be stuck in a quandary - hold out for a repro Whitworth or look for a Henry? rush though, time will turn something up when I'm meant to have it....

Re: First Generation P-H Enfields identification?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 6:50 am
by dromia
Thanks Jon.

Now I know you are after one I'll keep my eyes open for you.

PM an idea of how much you are wanting to spend.

Prices a creeping up on these, the last one I saw at a recent auction was nigh on £450 out the door. :shock:

Re: First Generation P-H Enfields identification?

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:02 am
by ResearchPress
Pete Starley at has several .451s in his stock list linked at the bottom of the page. He's at Warwick.


Re: First Generation P-H Enfields identification?

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:01 pm
by Woodshot
Hi David,
I have a 2 Band Enfield with the following markings on the underside; EB 5, then what appears to be a crown with BP underneath, are you able to give any assistance with this one.