Booking ranges etc at Bisley

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Booking ranges etc at Bisley

#1 Post by Alpha1 »

I have never been to Bisley but one of the Clubs I belong to has been visiting twice a year for a good number of years. The guys who normally organise it have had a falling out. I just wondered how difficult is it to book ranges and accommodation. The average age of the Group is over retirement age but we are starting to be caught up by the younger guys with there go faster blasters and they are not getting along.
Can any one give me an insight into how it works. I have no idea what the ranges are I know absolutely nothing about Bisley except that it is at the other end of the Country.
If you don.t want to do it on the forum I am happy for you to pm me. I just want to get a understanding of how the booking system works.
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Re: Booking ranges etc at Bisley

#2 Post by greentangerine »

I'd suggest just calling the NRA after perusing the range info., admitting you haven't booked for a club before, and I'm sure they'll be very helpful.

I've been there many times in the past 10 years of so but shooting 10m AP at the NSRA Lord Roberts centre.

Shot in a competition there over 300/600/900/1000 on Sunday for the first time (not using my Steyr LP but a .308) and had a blast.

Judging by the number of shooters on individual targets I saw, it's presumably not difficult to book and the staff seemed on the ball.
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Re: Booking ranges etc at Bisley

#3 Post by Alpha1 »

Thanks for that at the moment I am not convinced I want to get involved. So really I am needing to know how time consuming its going to be and how complicated the booking system is to navigate to book ranges and accommodation.
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Re: Booking ranges etc at Bisley

#4 Post by 450 Martini »

I've been shooting full bore for nearly 20 years and never shot at Bisley either. The prospect terrifies me and reminds me of visiting my Great Uncle's Golf Club house when I was young and getting shouted at by an old man for wearing the wrong colour tie in the club room.
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Re: Booking ranges etc at Bisley

#5 Post by Keithkilvo1 »

If you are a NRA member it is pretty straightforward, you log in to your account on the NRA website go to range bookings and use the drop down menus to book what you need. It will be approved within 24hrs and then you can pay online or when you arrive.
If you have not been before I would suggest calling the NRA and follow the instructions, I’m sure it is dial 1 for therange office, it is them you need to speak too, tell them what you need and they should be able to help, I have a feeling it is online booking only but talk to them and explain you have not been through the process before.
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Re: Booking ranges etc at Bisley

#6 Post by IainWR »

Do remember that at the moment the entire Bisley system is operating under Covid restrictions which makes many aspects much more difficult than normal.

Also note that the ranges are run by NSC Ltd, the NRAs commercial subsidiary. There is a subtle organisational split between NSC and the NRA itself.

Bisley Camp is 5 miles south of J3 on the M3 down the A322 and turn right at the traffic lights into Queen's Road towards the south end of Bisley village.

Ranges open Tuesday-Sunday. 0830-1230 morning session, 1330-1630 weekdays and 1730 weekends in the afternoon.

Basic rules:

Bisley ranges are available to individual NRA members and to members of affiliated clubs acting as such.
All shooting must be under the control of a RO. The RO for a club is appointed by the Club Chairman. The RO needs to hold an SCC for all shooting under his control. Any firer who does not have an SCC for the relevant discipline must be supervised one-to-one. Under-14s require advance authorisation in writing.
Read the NRA generic safety rules(section 52 NRA Handbook, available online via the downloads section of the NRA website) and the Bisley ranges regulations and the regulations for the specific range you will be using.
Club bookings are by the half-day, normally. Some targets are available by the hour to individual members.
Available ranges: (In order from west to east)
Cheylesmore: 25 metre NDA range. Specialist applications (Olympic rapid fire pistol, Heritage Pistol, wheelchair-access motorised targets). Currently out of action for reconstruction.
Melville: 25/50 metre range, 50m FP under cover, 4 bays of 10 turning targets, one bay of 7 advancing / retreating targets. Gallery rifles, MLPs and similar.
Stickledown: 800-1200 yds, normally used at 900 and 1000, other distances as they can be fitted in. 50 lanes, 10 of which are electronic targets. Rifles up to 4500J (7000J with HME zeroing) / 1000m/s. Must use electronics or dedicated target markers - no access to and from the butts once shooting has started.
Butt Zero: up to 80 yds approx, built between the 800 and 900 firing points on Stickledown in lanes 1-16. Turning and running targets. Steels. Barricades for Bianchi. Only ocassionally available because of interaction with Stickledown.
Cottesloe Heath and National Clay Shooting Centre. NRA facilities but operated seperately. Sporting clays (Bisley Sporting Ground on Cottesloe Heath) and Skeet / DTL (NCSC).
Winans (after Walter Winans, 19/20th century Olympic pistol shot): 25 metre NDA range in 3 bays. Bay A, 8 lanes gallery rifles etc. Bay B, 6 lanes rifles up to 7000J, Bay C Zero range, 71' 7"" (the distance at which 1 MOA =1/4" exactly), 4 lanes, centrefire rifles.
Century: Gallery range 100-600 yds, 108 lanes plus 300 metres (rarely available because of safety interactions). Rifles up to 4500J (7000J with HME zero). Two banks of electronic targets, one of 6 normally used 100-300 yards, the other of 12 300-600 yards.
Siberia: Gallery range 100 and 200 yds. 100yds has 5 lanes under cover with benches. Rifles up to 4500J (7000J with HME Zero) 17 lanes at 100, 10 (I think) at 200.
There are exceptions and unique restrictions on all the ranges - it is essential to read the generic and the specific range orders. Notwithstanding that it falls within the 7000J limit, .338" is prohibited for civilian use.

Booking is online by a person authorised by the NRA to book on behalf of the club (this is a setting in the club record on the NRA membership database - I'm afraid I don't know how it gets set up - suggest talking to the membership department if the range office don't know). Generally Melville, Butt Zero and Winans A are booked by the bay, others by the lane. The zero range (Winans C) is a first-come-first-served facility where self-supervision is allowed for SCC holders.

Also on site but operated entirely independently, and currently closed for covid I think:
Lord Roberts Centre: NSRA HQ, with 10m Air rifle ranges and 25yd and 50m .22" rimfire ranges.
Bisley Field target Organisation. field target air rifle both on formal ranges and walk-in-the-woods style.
Bisley bowmen. Field archery.
British Sporting Rifle Club. Running Deer, Running Boar, static electronic field targets, static turning targets. 25 yds to 100 metres.

Accommodation: There is some, but not much open at the moment because of Covid. Bisley accommodation is a complex mix of campsites, caravan pitches, huts, lodges, clubhouses, motel-style rooms (St George's Lodge operated by London & Middlesex RA) and the Bisley pavilion which includes about 20 rooms operated by the NRA.

Food: There are three cafes and about 5 or 6 clubs that will ordinarily cater for all comers. At the moment only the outdoor seated burger/snack bar - Fat Tony's - is operating.

Useful numbers: NRA 01483 797777,
Range office 152
Armoury 134
Membership 162
Legal & technical (me) 154
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Re: Booking ranges etc at Bisley

#7 Post by kennyc »

After more than 10 years of going to Bisley with my club I would note the following
We book up to a year in advance
It can take multiple attempts to get a booking agreed by the range office due to "clashes"
Bookings are subject to change by the booking office often at the last minute (regardless how many hoops you jumped through to get them in the first place)
Winnons B bookings almost invariably become winnons A in the week before the day (significant because the firearms useable on A and B are different)
Once moved to winnons A invariably B will be empty most or all of the booking!
Markers are bookable in advance until someone else wants them, in which case you get a call a day or two in advance to say you are on your own .
Fat Tony's still cant cook a burger that isnt dry :D
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Re: Booking ranges etc at Bisley

#8 Post by Pete »

I shoot there roughly once a fortnight with my partner as individual members. We use the electronics.........the current system is like clockwork, book online, pay after confirmation, check your target number online the evening before, rock up at the required time, sign on, find your lane, shoot..........brilliant.

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Re: Booking ranges etc at Bisley

#9 Post by Pete »

I shoot there roughly once a fortnight with my partner as individual members. We use the electronics.........the current system is like clockwork, book online, pay after confirmation, check your target number online the evening before, rock up at the required time, sign on, find your lane, shoot..........brilliant.

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Re: Booking ranges etc at Bisley

#10 Post by Alpha1 »

Thanks guys.
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