bullet v ball

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bullet v ball

#1 Post by steve853 »

Hi all

Thinking about getting a black powder revolver, I used to have a Colt Walker reproduction and I'm thinking of something similar.

My question is this; is it possible to use .44 bullets (I reload .44 Magnum for a lever action) instead of ball? Just thinking ahead, about buying a lead pot and mould, that sort of thing.

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Re: bullet v ball

#2 Post by Dark Skies »

steve853 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 1:33 am Hi all

Thinking about getting a black powder revolver, I used to have a Colt Walker reproduction and I'm thinking of something similar.

My question is this; is it possible to use .44 bullets (I reload .44 Magnum for a lever action) instead of ball? Just thinking ahead, about buying a lead pot and mould, that sort of thing.

Yours Aye

No. The .44 BP revolvers are in the .454 / .457 diameter range.
.44 Magnums are in the .439 / .430 diameter.

Bullet mould do exist, I've tried them. Results are disappointing compared to ball. Usually the profile of the rammer is at odds with the round and getting them to sit straight in the chamer is a bit of a faff.

That said I've seen custom bullets (moulds) made for BP revolvers specifically have returbned decent results.
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Re: bullet v ball

#3 Post by steve853 »

Ah now I remember, the .44 magnum is actually a .43, thanks

Reading other posts about storage and licensing requirements for BP substitutes, think I'd better look into it a bit deeper. I used Pyrodex in the past, stored in a lockable wooden box, but there's some confusing information around. And it seems Kranks aren't necessarily the best to ask.

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Re: bullet v ball

#4 Post by Dark Skies »

steve853 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:06 am Ah now I remember, the .44 magnum is actually a .43, thanks

Reading other posts about storage and licensing requirements for BP substitutes, think I'd better look into it a bit deeper. I used Pyrodex in the past, stored in a lockable wooden box, but there's some confusing information around. And it seems Kranks aren't necessarily the best to ask.

Yours Aye

Slight mistype 44 Magnums are in the .429 / .430 diameter.

Currently Pyrodex is available under the same conditions as it was - no need for a wooden box. That said some dealers I've bought from were treating it in the same manner as Hodgon 777 substitute which now requires an explosive licence. As you already have the wooden box I'd get an explosive licence for buying black powder and Hodgon substitute. I'd not bothered until I was pushed into it for purchasing substitutes. And now that I have I only buy black powder. It's a damn sight cheaper and is what the revolvers were designwed for. I've noticed the fouling is easier to clean too.
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Re: bullet v ball

#5 Post by Triffid »

I've experimented with various Lee and Lyman cast bullets in my Ruger Old Army. I never found any improvement in accuracy and have returned to just using round ball. As DS says, loading bullets is much more of a pfaff than ball, for no gain in my experience.
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Re: bullet v ball

#6 Post by dromia »

The trick with bullets especially in ML revolvers is getting the bullet seated so that it enters the forcing cone fully centered with the barrel.

This is difficult due to lots of variations, bullets consistency in weigh diameter and alloy softness, then there is diameter in relation to the chamber, then seating concentrically which most loading levers won't do.

So in comparison a round ball over comes all these difficulties but lacks anything meaningful in the BC department where driving them hard over comes this for a while.

Get the bullet seated repeatedly correctly then the longer range, over 75yrds, shots benefit from a better BC bullet.

For most users it isn't worth the effort and the ranges they shoot where the round ball works well.

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Re: bullet v ball

#7 Post by 1066 »

I've also tried various shape/size/weight of various bullets in my .44 Italian 1858 Rem. Best accuracy was obtained with an H&N lead ball.
I've also tried lead balls in my Zylab Patriot .32 five shot M/L target pistol. with good results.
This is 5 shots with ball at 20 yards with the .32 pistol (One hand, open sights, unsupported)

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Re: bullet v ball

#8 Post by AL8 »

nice shooting
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Re: bullet v ball

#9 Post by 1066 »

AL8 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:18 pmnice shooting
Thanks - unfortunately doesn't happen very often now. :)
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