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cast bullets for a Lee Enfield no4

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 3:12 pm
by Paul101
Do’s anyone use the Lee 7.62x39 160gr cast bullet in their no4 or do you all prefer the Lee .303B 185gr cast bullet.
Both are .312 sized and I’m only looking for a plinking bullet for 100m range and that’s a waste of jacketed bullets.
I already cast 45-70 and .357mag bullets, so it’s just a choice of molds.
Thank you

Re: cast bullets for a Lee Enfield no4

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 4:23 pm
by dromia
The Lees are usually too under sized to be really effective in the 303.

Your bullet should be at least 2 thou over groove diameter so you need to know your bore/groove/freebore diameters and then what the Lee moulds actually drop bullets with an appropriate alloy - pure lead with 1-2% tin.

Interesting that Lee's mould tolerance is minus 3 thou so a nominal 312 mould could drop a .309 bullet and still be within Lees tolerances, also the tolerance is under nominal diameter never over.

I would recommend a look at NOE's mould range.

Re: cast bullets for a Lee Enfield no4

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 7:43 pm
by Alpha1
NOE Bullet moulds is the way to go far superior to the Lee offerings and lots more choice of bullet type and weights.

Re: cast bullets for a Lee Enfield no4

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:12 am
by Paul101
I’ll have a look at NOE, do they have a Uk importer?

Re: cast bullets for a Lee Enfield no4

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:04 am
by Alpha1
NOE post to the UK.

Re: cast bullets for a Lee Enfield no4

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 9:54 am
by ukrifleman
I would go with the 185gn for a No4.

My 2 cavity mould drops at .312 , but you can always beagle it to add a couple of thou to the diameter if required.

Krank have a 2 cavity in stock for around £40.

NOE moulds are great, but getting stuff direct from the USA can be frustrating and expensive.

The last item I bought from the USA (Grip-N-Pull bullet puller) was held up for 6 weeks by UK customs and the additional UK charges hiked the original purchase price by nearly 75%.
Not a happy experience!


Re: cast bullets for a Lee Enfield no4

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 1:04 pm
by dromia
Despite the convenience and desirability of purchasing in the UK there is no guarantee, and a high unlikelyhood that the next Lee mould will drop at 0.312, which can be a marginal bullet diameter for many Lee Enfield .303" bores.

Re: cast bullets for a Lee Enfield no4

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 1:51 pm
by dodgyrog

I have a lot of their moulds.
316299 is the one I use for .303 British. Sized to .316 and gas checked (Gator checks are sold by NOE). Use a good lube on the boolits and don't cast them rock hard. Powder choice (for me at least) is Alliant 2400

Re: cast bullets for a Lee Enfield no4

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:07 pm
by Alpha1
Buying any make of mould is a waste of money if you assume that .312 is going to work in your rifle.
Before you buy a mould you need to slug your bore so you know what size is going to work in your rifle not all Lee Enfield's are a standard .312. This applies to any rifle not just Enfield's. A chamber cast is also a good indication.
(As recommended by Adam (Dromia.)

Re: cast bullets for a Lee Enfield no4

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 4:45 pm
by PeterN
I bought 100 bullets many moons ago that were marked up as 316299 sized to .315. I have no idea who I bought them from as there is no name on the box. I have just loaded 50 for my long Lee Metford. I have not shot any yet. Hopefully they will be OK. I have loaded the cases with a charge of 2400.
303 cast bullets.jpg