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Why am I still surprised at clueless politicians?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 2:33 pm
by walesdave

Re: Why am I still surprised at clueless politicians?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 2:53 pm
by 1066
Clueless just about sums it up Dave.. Years ago, when many of this type of of person, low level "politicians", councillors and general busybodies etc. may have served in the military or national service they may have been slightly more knowledgeable, or at least, not so phobic about guns. Now, as you say, most seem absolutely clueless and it's our sport the suffers at every turn.

Re: Why am I still surprised at clueless politicians?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 6:50 am
by Pippin89
My response to him...
Good Morning Mr Bithell

I hope my email finds you well.

I am writing to you to, hopefully, open a discussion regarding your recent comments on firearms ownership. Firstly, I would like to take a moment to correct your terminology. You referred to legally owned and certificated guns as "Weapons". However, it would be an offence to own a gun in the UK for the purposes of being a weapon, so it shouldn't be referred to as such unless it is used in that manner. For example, a car could be, and has been, used as a weapon. But you wouldn't refer to your own car as a weapon I am sure.

Secondly, I believe you have overlooked a couple of parts of firearms law when you made your comments. On an FAC (Firearms Certificate), every firearm that is purchased has to be applied for and approved by the police separately. This means, although they are on one certificate, they are licensed individually, meaning for each of those firearms, we have to provide evidence to the police that we have a genuine need for that particular firearm. This seems to me, to be the exact effect you suggesting should be in place.

In addition, you referenced security problems with "small arsenals" being kept at licence holders' homes. Aside from the mildly offensive remark, which I am sure was unintentional, I believe you may be unaware of the Firearms Security Handbook 2020, published by the Home Office, which looks at exactly this issue. The handbook guides Firearms Enquiry Officers on how to make a risk assessment of each and every FAC and SGC (Shotgun Certificate) holders home. The guide takes into account not just number of guns held as you suggested, but also the crime rate in the area, the likely response time by the police in the event of a break in, the natural surveillance of the area, whether the property is often left unoccupied, the location of the storage within the property and many more factors. Based on this risk assessment, the FEO can impose one of three security levels, up to and including, a police monitored alarm system. This means that, with any attempt of a firearm robbery, the police would be notified and respond in a time which is likely much quicker than it is possible to access said guns.

I hope these points above can help allay any fears you have about legal gun ownership and if I can be of any assistance to you or your colleagues, I would be happy to have a discussion on the matter. I have included a link for the Firearms Security Handbook 2020 below for your convenience. ... accessible

Kind Regards

Max Bradley

Re: Why am I still surprised at clueless politicians?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 8:03 am
by millemigliadave
Very well worded and thank you for making the effort to correct his mistaken views.


Re: Why am I still surprised at clueless politicians?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 8:52 am
by 1066
Well done, excellent job. If only shooters in general would respond to this rubbish more often. We really are our own worst enemy.

Re: Why am I still surprised at clueless politicians?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 9:05 am
by dromia
Aye good letter.

Unfortunately we are now in a world where reasoned argument carries no weight or value.

Re: Why am I still surprised at clueless politicians?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 9:23 am
by Polchraine
Would love to see the reply - if you get one.

Re: Why am I still surprised at clueless politicians?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 5:19 pm
by The Event
I can't help but suspect that when he said one certificate per weapon what he really meant was one gun per person.
A pile of certificates for multiple guns wouldn't change the "small arsenals" he is concerned by or the risk of break ins.

Re: Why am I still surprised at clueless politicians?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 7:16 pm
by bradaz11
maybe they should make it illegal to break into someone's home? sure that would stop this problem

Re: Why am I still surprised at clueless politicians?

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 7:10 am
by Blackstuff
It reads to me like the specifically talking about Shotgun Certificates, but without bothering to use the correct terminology/differentiate them from Firearm Certificates.

You're always going to be fighting a losing battle with the weapon/firearm terminology (especially with an ex-serviceperson who has it engrained in them) as the legislation and guidance both refer to 'weapons'. But thats because when it was originally drafted you could own a firearm for self defence so the 'weapon' term was correct. Its just kept now because of a mix of lack of motivation to change it, and it being a useful term to scare people who don't know anything about guns.