Presidential Firearms

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Presidential Firearms

#1 Post by rufrdr »

On our 'out west' driving trip in May, we stopped at the Harry Truman presidential library and museum. From the number of exhibits, it seems Mr. Truman never tossed anything out from his life! A great museum to see. So far I've visited:

The Ronald Reagan library
The Richard Nixon Library
The John F. Kennedy Library
The Gerald Ford library
The house of William Henry Harrison
Mt. Vernon (George Washington)
Monticello (Thomas Jefferson)
More to come...

Harry Truman was an officer in the Missouri National Guard and went to France in WW1 as a Captain and commander of a battery of 'French' 75mm howitzers. There was a great display of Truman's WW1 items and weapons and uniforms of the conflict

I don't think is was one of CPT Truman's guns!
Pistols used by Puerto Rican nationalists in the attempt on Truman's life. The President watched the gun battle in his skivvies from his bedroom in Blair House. The gunfight was the impetus for modernizing handgun training for the Secret Service.

An excellent book on the incident:


"Everybody dies...the thing is, to die well"

Jack Harper
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