Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:53 pm
I've just reblacked an air rifle barrel. What a nightmare and very dangerous. I made a long steel tank to hold a solution of caustic soda and saltpetre. I fitted a full length tube underneath drilled with holes to form gas jets to boil the solution. I then very carefully lowered the barrel in and boiled it for 20 minutes. I would say it was sort of 60% successful. The barrel is blackish blue but it looks very thin. Also I think it needed polishing to perfection first.
Calling sodium hydroxide "caustic" is a massive understatement. I put a large carpet underneath the tank to protect the lawn. Some solution splashed on to the carpet which immediately turned black and caught fire. This was at the end of the procedure and I won't be repeating it.
Calling sodium hydroxide "caustic" is a massive understatement. I put a large carpet underneath the tank to protect the lawn. Some solution splashed on to the carpet which immediately turned black and caught fire. This was at the end of the procedure and I won't be repeating it.