Buying/Selling Authority Help Please
Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:32 pm
Hello guys and girls, and may I say that you're all looking loverly today. Esp you there.
Ok, I've been shooting for a few years, but I haven't really done much buying/selling/wheeling and dealing, so I was wondering if I may ask a question.
Lets say I have an authority for a 7.92x57mm rifle, and I have purchased a rifle in this calibre; filling this authority.
If I sell the rifle, this will open this authority again, I know that I could ask for a 1-for-1 transfer for a new calibre, but if I wanted to buy a rifle in the same 7.92x57mm calibre, could I? Then, I guess, I would simply tell the police that I've sold my rifle to Mr/Mrs. XYZ, but I have now purchased this new rifle in the same calibre, type: blar, blar: serial number: blar, blar?
Basically what I have is a G98 "Mauser" long-rifle, but I fancy a "98K"-type carbine, think I tastes are changing with "old-age" :lol:
Ok, I've been shooting for a few years, but I haven't really done much buying/selling/wheeling and dealing, so I was wondering if I may ask a question.
Lets say I have an authority for a 7.92x57mm rifle, and I have purchased a rifle in this calibre; filling this authority.
If I sell the rifle, this will open this authority again, I know that I could ask for a 1-for-1 transfer for a new calibre, but if I wanted to buy a rifle in the same 7.92x57mm calibre, could I? Then, I guess, I would simply tell the police that I've sold my rifle to Mr/Mrs. XYZ, but I have now purchased this new rifle in the same calibre, type: blar, blar: serial number: blar, blar?
Basically what I have is a G98 "Mauser" long-rifle, but I fancy a "98K"-type carbine, think I tastes are changing with "old-age" :lol: