A question of focus
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:10 pm
(I have also posted this on the US Palma site, for those of you who have a deja vu moment!)
The top shooters and coaches all share one specific ability, that of being able to focus. i.e. to switch off the outside world and concentrate on the task.
At the end of last week, I had a lengthy conversation with a friend and colleague of mine at school, who happens to be an ex England cricket player and is currently taking a bunch of coaching qualifications.
He wanted to know whether I could identify a moment when I went from being a good shooter to international standard. The conversation then progressed to the way in which I developed my focus leading in to shot release, whether I thought I had always had it and merely honed it and a comparison between a shooter and the process of shot release and a fast bowler delivering a ball, specifically with regard to wide and narrow focus. He also wanted to know what technique(s) I use to clear my mind and trigger my focus.
My reason for starting the topic is to share my own recollection of when my focusing skills and my current method for triggering my focus and to ask others to share their own techniques.
Like all skills, people are born with focus in varying degrees, to some it comes completely naturally and they are able to fulfil their potential at a young age, (examples of this would be the likes of Sherri Gallagher, Glyn Barnett and others who have been at the top of the sport since their late teens). For others, that ability to focus seems always to be just outside of their grasp, they can often deliver good performances, but not with the consistency that would enable them to fulfil their full potential.
Back in the early 80's, when I first started shooting at a decent level, I would have good days and I would have bad days, typically identified by not having my mind fully on the job, either not being on top of the wind or problems with shot release or other fundamental technique issues. i.e. What I suspect most shooters go through as they develop as shooters.
It was when I started writing stats and squadding software and running Rifle Meetings in 1983 that I developed my focus - simply because I had to. The first couple of Meetings I ran and participated in at the same time were a joke, I would go out to shoot and my mind would be on all the issues I was dealing with back in Stats and not on my shooting. The results were less than satisfactory! It was a case of work out how to focus or my shooting was going nowhere.
It was when I worked out how to properly partition off the shooting from the stats and extraneous rubbish that my shooting made that step to the next level. It took me a couple of years to do it, but 3 years later I made my first GB team.
My "wide" focus, (as my cricketing colleague puts it), is triggered by playing a tune, (typically whatever one comes immediately to mind rather than anything specific), in my head. I use it to clear out my other thoughts, so that I only have the tune running through it. I then "switch off" the tune, which triggers my "tight" focus and my initial concentration is typically on the wind and, at the appropriate moments, it then moves to the aim and the shot release and then back to the tune.
Switching back to a "wide" focus as quickly as possible is important to me or I find I am unable to maintain my focus over the course of a 30-40 minute shoot (because we shoot in threes) and infinitely more so when it comes to coaching in a match, which might be three/four ranges in a day, coaching four shooters. Mental exhaustion is a major consideration. If I try to maintain a tight focus for more than a few seconds, probably 20-30 at the outside, my ability to maintain my performance tails off markedly towards the end of a long shoot/match. My ability out switch between wide and tight focus has really improved in the last 3-5 years and I think that this is a major factor in more consistent results over the last 3 years in particular.
Anyone care to comment/contribute?
The top shooters and coaches all share one specific ability, that of being able to focus. i.e. to switch off the outside world and concentrate on the task.
At the end of last week, I had a lengthy conversation with a friend and colleague of mine at school, who happens to be an ex England cricket player and is currently taking a bunch of coaching qualifications.
He wanted to know whether I could identify a moment when I went from being a good shooter to international standard. The conversation then progressed to the way in which I developed my focus leading in to shot release, whether I thought I had always had it and merely honed it and a comparison between a shooter and the process of shot release and a fast bowler delivering a ball, specifically with regard to wide and narrow focus. He also wanted to know what technique(s) I use to clear my mind and trigger my focus.
My reason for starting the topic is to share my own recollection of when my focusing skills and my current method for triggering my focus and to ask others to share their own techniques.
Like all skills, people are born with focus in varying degrees, to some it comes completely naturally and they are able to fulfil their potential at a young age, (examples of this would be the likes of Sherri Gallagher, Glyn Barnett and others who have been at the top of the sport since their late teens). For others, that ability to focus seems always to be just outside of their grasp, they can often deliver good performances, but not with the consistency that would enable them to fulfil their full potential.
Back in the early 80's, when I first started shooting at a decent level, I would have good days and I would have bad days, typically identified by not having my mind fully on the job, either not being on top of the wind or problems with shot release or other fundamental technique issues. i.e. What I suspect most shooters go through as they develop as shooters.
It was when I started writing stats and squadding software and running Rifle Meetings in 1983 that I developed my focus - simply because I had to. The first couple of Meetings I ran and participated in at the same time were a joke, I would go out to shoot and my mind would be on all the issues I was dealing with back in Stats and not on my shooting. The results were less than satisfactory! It was a case of work out how to focus or my shooting was going nowhere.
It was when I worked out how to properly partition off the shooting from the stats and extraneous rubbish that my shooting made that step to the next level. It took me a couple of years to do it, but 3 years later I made my first GB team.
My "wide" focus, (as my cricketing colleague puts it), is triggered by playing a tune, (typically whatever one comes immediately to mind rather than anything specific), in my head. I use it to clear out my other thoughts, so that I only have the tune running through it. I then "switch off" the tune, which triggers my "tight" focus and my initial concentration is typically on the wind and, at the appropriate moments, it then moves to the aim and the shot release and then back to the tune.
Switching back to a "wide" focus as quickly as possible is important to me or I find I am unable to maintain my focus over the course of a 30-40 minute shoot (because we shoot in threes) and infinitely more so when it comes to coaching in a match, which might be three/four ranges in a day, coaching four shooters. Mental exhaustion is a major consideration. If I try to maintain a tight focus for more than a few seconds, probably 20-30 at the outside, my ability to maintain my performance tails off markedly towards the end of a long shoot/match. My ability out switch between wide and tight focus has really improved in the last 3-5 years and I think that this is a major factor in more consistent results over the last 3 years in particular.
Anyone care to comment/contribute?