Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:44 pm
Hello everyone from the patron state of shooting stuff , Tennessee , oddly enough i found full bore looking for the ingredients to Alliant Powder Black MZ™ Black-Powder Substitute ??? after poking about a bit, i became quite interested and joined , i am a avid shooter , hand loader , hunter , collector and gunsmith , i like anything that shoots but my true love is ancient black powder weaponry , the more smoke and fire it spews ,the louder the bang the better ,lol , i built my first black powder colt navy when i was 13 , it was a armi san marco kit from Italy ,it was not the polish and blue beginner kit , i had to time , cut the forcing cone and clearance as well , i got the clearances real tight it was a great shooter , touching off those first rounds was a magical experience that hooked me for life, well enough about me , i do have some ulterior motives for joining full bore , call it it research about my fellow shooters and gun laws around the world ..