"Eff" Class

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"Eff" Class

#1 Post by Tower75 »

Okay... I'm really going to show my lack of all things non-SMLE shooting here :oops:

But I'll risk it, I've still got my looks going for me.

[Sigh]... What is "F Class" ?

There, I've said it. Be gentle.
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Re: "Eff" Class

#2 Post by ovenpaa »

Two classes, F/TR and F Open.

F/TR is shot with a standard chamber .223 or .308 or NATO equivalent you can shoot with an attached bipod and telescopic sights and you are limited by weight.

F Open is shot with a greater range of cartridges up to 8mm as long as it is within range limits and has a weight restriction of 10kgs all up for the rifle, it can be shot with a separate front rest.

F Class is typically shot at longer distances however the Phoenix and Diggle do shoot short. So expect to shoot at 400/500/600, 800/900/1000 with occasional comps to 1200

Targets have a half MOA V Bull so are quite a bit smaller than the TR targets you would expect to see at Bisley.

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Dave 101

Re: "Eff" Class

#3 Post by Dave 101 »

Good question . So heres another whats the difference then between F class and Benchrest in terms of rifles used .
If F/TR is limited by weight of the rifle and I assume that includes the bipod why not just use a rest or is that not allowed .

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Re: "Eff" Class

#4 Post by ovenpaa »

A rest if used in F/TR must be attached. You can also use an attached front rest in F Open however it is included in the all up weight of the rifle

This is why people look for the lightest stable, wide footprint bipods they can find in F/TR as it is included in the 8.25Kg limit. Rear bags can be used and are not included in any weighing however they must be filled with a granular substance that can be deformed with finger pressure, so sand or similar in other words.

Bench rest classes are different however you can build a rifle that can be used in say F Open and BR, my view is it would be a slight compromise for both disciplines however I am not a BR shooter.

It is interesting to note that some F Open shooters do use a fixed bipod to great effect and I personally prefer them myself.

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Re: "Eff" Class

#5 Post by Tower75 »

So, it's long-range, precision, shooting with telescopic sights?

Is F-Class also what is referred to as "Sniper class", I've heard that term, but just assumed people meant; I have a scope of my rifle.

Also, What is the "F" in F-Class?
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Re: "Eff" Class

#6 Post by ovenpaa »

Yes it is long range shooting with telescopic sights and was the brain child of George Farquharson a Canadian shooter, originally for people with less than perfect vision.

I have never heard it referred to as Sniper class.

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Re: "Eff" Class

#7 Post by spud »

f stands for Faquarson after the man who started the discipline

also to add to daves comments in f open you camn use a mechanical front rest which does not count to total weight allowances

Re: "Eff" Class

#8 Post by Watcher »

Can it be short range i.e. up to 600 yards?

Re: "Eff" Class

#9 Post by spud »

in the uk class they shoot from 500 up to 1000 but at club level some clubs shoot 300
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Re: "Eff" Class

#10 Post by IainWR »

spud wrote:in the uk class they shoot from 500 up to 1000 but at club level some clubs shoot 300
Actually they start at 300. I could just about get the 300x f class target on display under this post - all 5 rings. You want to shoot f.. - go ahead, but the targets your compatriots have designed and voted for are really difficult. There was one occurrence where the senior people in f-class made a rash boast to the TR community. The result was that the TR World Champion shooting to TR rules did beat the England F-open champion in an f-open event. I understand that the guilty F-open barrel is sawn in half and buried on Connaught ranges in Ottawa. Other than that, F- is a really hard wind reading problem - if you think you are up to it - give it a go!

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