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Practical Shotgun and Fullbore clubs in NE England

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:03 pm
by Amber Dog
Hi guys,

Does anyone know or attend a PSG club in the North East of England? Also, while I am here - might swell ask, does anyone also know of a full bore club that attends Ponteland?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Practical Shotgun and Fullbore clubs in NE England

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:06 pm
by dromia
Balckstuff is the font of all PSG knowledge and he's in the NE.

Quiet a few clubs use Ponteland, the Barbican, the Louisa and three counties just of the top of my head.

Re: Practical Shotgun and Fullbore clubs in NE England

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:12 pm
by dodgyrog
CSAC (Carlisle Small Arms Club) shoot PSG near Brampton.
That's the nearest (and only) club that I know of. It has a good set up shooting through some woods.

Re: Practical Shotgun and Fullbore clubs in NE England

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:17 pm
by Blackstuff
As well as Carlisle which you only missed on Sunday;

The Mayfair Shooting Centre based in Sunderland runs PSG shoots at it's land near Pittington (type Hetton-le-Hill into Google Earth and it'll take you there). Next meet is 25th of February if you fancy it :good:

Re: Practical Shotgun and Fullbore clubs in NE England

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:30 pm
by saddler
Not too bad shooting - for you

Different course of fire too! HAD been trying to attend, but nobody else fancied going to offset the costs & am skint right now...maybe next month??

Ya should upload all your hat-cam clips to YouTube :run: I have a camera on the way from the USA that clamps onto the gun, we can start our own YouTube channel :grin:

Re: Practical Shotgun and Fullbore clubs in NE England

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:54 pm
by Blackstuff
saddler wrote:Not too bad shooting - for you

Different course of fire too! HAD been trying to attend, but nobody else fancied going to offset the costs & am skint right now...maybe next month??

Ya should upload all your hat-cam clips to YouTube :run: I have a camera on the way from the USA that clamps onto the gun, we can start our own YouTube channel :grin:
How . . . rude!! :55: :lol: This is what first place looked like actually :grin:

Next one at Carlisle is 11th March :good:

I do upload the majority of videos onto YouTube, just double click the video above and it'll take you to my all-action channel :lol: . It would be good if people taking videos around the country could upload them to a single UK PSG channel :flag13:

Re: Practical Shotgun and Fullbore clubs in NE England

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:51 pm
by Amber Dog
Blackstuff wrote:As well as Carlisle which you only missed on Sunday;

The Mayfair Shooting Centre based in Sunderland runs PSG shoots at it's land near Pittington (type Hetton-le-Hill into Google Earth and it'll take you there). Next meet is 25th of February if you fancy it :good:
Thanks for this Mark, looks the bee's knees. I am at Mayfair currently but when I emailed Ray he said I can watch and that's all. Maybe as I am a probationary member for another month?

Think I will email Carlisle and see what they have to say.

Re: Practical Shotgun and Fullbore clubs in NE England

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:11 pm
by Blackstuff
Hmmm, Do you have an SGC? If so i'm not sure why Ray would say that. If you're literally just starting it might be understandable as you've got quite a bit more to think about with PSG than just plinking on the range. But it's his club so i guess you'll have to play by the rules for now.

If you want info about PSG at Carlisle email Vanessa Duffy at rather than the general club email address :good:

Re: Practical Shotgun and Fullbore clubs in NE England

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:59 pm
by Haytime
Never heard of PSG until today, thats some kinda sport :goodjob:

Re: Practical Shotgun and Fullbore clubs in NE England

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:11 pm
by saddler
PSG is great fun - if a little muddy at times

Get on the Basic UKPSA course - you WILL learn LOTS and have a good laugh into the bargain

I met Mark through doing PSG, so it does have its downside I suppose :lol: ;) :55: