Two items from it are:
I would like to comment on both.Range Officer's have already had some volunteers get in touch (thank you) and we and the competitors will be very grateful for as many volunteers as possible. There will be several days prior to the meeting for ROs to shoot their events, food and accommodation will be provided as well in line with the number of days you can give us. Here is the link to the on line RO registration form. Please use it as it makes the process of collecting all the data much easier.
Eye protection protection is mandatory. Shatterproof glasses must be worn which provide adequate protection at the sides as well as the front. If they do not, you must use additional side protection in the form of slip on shields or similar.
Firstly, I was amazed to be told earlier this year that the Phoenix is running at a loss. As someone who has helped RO for a number of years now I do not understand why the RO Staff are getting free meals and accommodation.
I understand that the event would not run without us, but to my knowledge, and I am not the point of contact for my discipline, no one from the NRA has approached us with the idea of getting us to pay (at least) cost for the food or accommodation. I would rather get free entry to a number of comps - say 5 - than free food, as good as it is.
If there was a voluntary payment box in the dining area I would put in.
I believe a closer look is required re what the RO's can expect to get, as well as who is doing what on the RO's days before the competition starts.
Secondly, Clearly someone has a bee in their bonnet re Eye protection, or else it would not have been put in the email. As such I expect that there will be someone looking out for offenders during this and other comps. It may have already been a rule, but I can not think of anyone who I have seen use this style of safety wear, with perhaps the odd exception of those who have had to use some from the NRA Office.
I expect that if the rules are enforced, a lot of people could be disgruntled at not being able to shoot. I hope that the NRA is planing on stocking a good quantity of appropriate cheap eye wear so that shooters can get back on the line quickly.
As a side thought, having some quality examples for sale may not be a bad idea as shooters will realise the long term need and may want something long term,