Barrel life

All types of competitive shooting including Bell Target, MR TR F/TR F Open, GR, Small Bore and BR

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This section is for people who shoot or want to shoot in competitions and includes future events, how to get started, choice of rifle and calibres including wildcats, how to prepare for your competition, and of course how you did!
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Barrel life

#1 Post by johngarnett »

This question is aimed (sorry!) at the TR fraternity mainly.

I'm looking for a reason as to why I didn't get into the Queens Final :lol:, besides a hangover sign01

Seriously, when or how do you guys know when your barrel is past its sell by date? I do keep a round count.

I understood one sign was when a rifle shot 'open groups'. Well, mine are always b......y open :lol: There's approx 3k through the barrel.

The ammo is N140, TR140 and issue RUAG. So nothing hairy. I have two rifles, one Bartlien and one Lothar Walther.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


JohnG :cornwall:
Gun Pimp

Re: Barrel life

#2 Post by Gun Pimp »


In my experience, with modest loads, the 308 Win. is fairly kind to barrels. Using Vit 140, you can expect 3000 rounds without problem.

By 4000 you will get a bit of fire-cracking just forward of the chamber mouth. This will strip copper from the bullets and copper-up the barrel. If you keep it copper-free (it will take you a good hours cleaning after shooting 2 & 20) it will still shoot very well.

Eventually, the time taken to de-copper becomes excessive and a new barrel is the only answer.

If you use the Vit double-base 5 series powders, barrel life will be severely reduced!

Of course, there will be many shooters who claim a lot more than 3 - 4000 rounds but it all depends on the size of your target - if it's a two-minute bull (as for TR) fall off won't be so obvious but with the F/TR one MOA bull..............

The real answer is to fit a scope and benchrest it - it should shoot around one-inch groups at 300 yds. to be F/TR competitive.

Steve E

Re: Barrel life

#3 Post by Steve E »

At 3k your barrel should have at least 2-3k left in it, so I doubt if the barrel is needing to be replaced. Check your bedding carefully to ensure that there are no cracks or movement.

I did not get into Queens final this year, why? because through Queens 2 I started to make silly mistakes at 300 (dropped 2) Nailed 500 for a 50.5 but it all fell apart at 600 and I dropped 3. I just got over it, knew i was in Georges final and the Mackinnon and got on with it. I know that am shooting well and that the rifle has about 2K left in it.

If your groups are consistantly 'open' then your technique/position and wind reading skills may require attention. Do you do many coached shoots? If yes compare the coached plots with untouched plots. Is there an obvious tightening of the group when coached. If you don't do coached shoots you may need to find a coach so that you just become a gun platform and try to analyse what the problems are.

During this years meeting I drank very little alcohol, no more than 2 pints a night (which is rare for me), drank no tea or coffee whatsoever and was in bed by 2300.
I might not have got into Queens 3 but I had my best meeting for years. You have a nearly a year to sort yourself for 2013 and come back with a vengeance.


Re: Barrel life

#4 Post by GazMorris »

johngarnett wrote: I understood one sign was when a rifle shot 'open groups'. Well, mine are always b......y open :lol: There's approx 3k through the barrel.
Hi John.

Opinions will vary but you'll generally get at least 6k rounds out of a good quality stainless barrel used for TR, with some people I know having kept barrels on and shot extremely successfully with more than 12k rounds. Based on this and the fact that I shoot 1k - 2.4k rounds per season I have a general rule of thumb that once I get to 5.5k rounds I change the barrel at the end of that season. This works out at a new barrel every three years; although very occasionally I've been unhappy with barrels in the past and had them changed before this time.

Best Regards,

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Re: Barrel life

#5 Post by johngarnett »

Guys, Thanks for your input. Much appreciated. I shall check the round count and do a good clean.

In all seriousness, I didn't have a hangover just 'social drinking' this year. (I'm getting older!) Wind reading, well - must do better and I'll work on my position.

My groups aren't always hollow but a 49 or 50 with 1 or 2 V's still takes some doing!

Thanks again guys.

JohnG :cornwall:
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Re: Barrel life

#6 Post by ovenpaa »

I run an Accuracy International with may thousands of rounds through the original Border barrel and I know it is going off now, in fact it has been for the last year or so. I always clean it carefully and very recently opted to try the VFG weapon care system which is small felt tampons used with a very fine cleaning paste and I think it has made a difference, I used the system as per the manufacturers recommendation and gave it a good scrubbing out and did see some more carbon come out and it has helped a bit so maybe a good clean with something different might help your situation.

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