NM MILSURPS September Shoot ... Guns of August 1914 -1918

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NM MILSURPS September Shoot ... Guns of August 1914 -1918

#1 Post by 1886lebel »

Sunday September 23, 2012 Shoot Information ... NM MILSURPS Guns Of August Annual Shoot

This shoot will be our annual Guns of August (WWI) in which it encouraged that weapons of this period be used from both the Allied and Central Powers of the conflict. The shoot wil be taking place at the Albuquerque Shooting Range Park, where we meet up at the 200 -1000 'shooting club' range at 0830 to set up the targets and such, then at 0900 we go down to the office to sign in and pay for the range $6.00 for all day shooting unless you have an annual pass for it. We then go back up to the range to get safety brief by the President of the club, a short course on WWI history by myself who will be dressed as a WWI Russian soldier on the Eastern Front and then start shooting the course of fire ....

The course of fire will consist of the following:
We will start out shooting at the 500 meter target where you will shoot 5 rounds at it from any position you desire, prone support or un-supported, kneeling, sitting or off-hand (table/bench shooting will be prohibited), then you will engage a target a 385 meters with 5 rounds again from any position you desire except table/bench. We will then move down the next firing station to shoot at the 300 meter and then the 200 meter targets, shooting 5 rounds at each target again from any position you desire except table/bench, the only difference will be at the 200 meter where you will shoot behind the barricade in the standing position simulating a trench position.
What this course of fire will do is simulate an enemy moving about on a field of battle until they get deadlocked in trench warfare as the average trenches in the war were only 100 to 200 meters apart.
If you do not have a weapon that was used by the belligerents do not worry, you still can shoot the course of fire but in a complete seperate category of non-period weapons.

Target sizes will range in size as you move down the course of fire, we will be using our 45 (L) by 30 (W) oblounge steel target at 500 and 385 and our 30 inch circle steel targets at 300 and 200 meters. Scores will hit and miss on the target,tThere is no time limit to fire your rounds on target but remember we are trying to simulate active operations in the field of combat. There will be NO Spotting rounds fired during the course of fire, it will be just like a real combat situation, you either hit your target or miss it.
We usually go through our courses of fire at least twice, so please bring enough ammunition to do this twice. After the main shooting course is fired we will have an open range where you can fire any weapons you want to test out at these targets.
Please do not bring incendiary or tracers to use, we are very dry at this time and these very will could start a wildfire in a heartbeat that can go out of control very fast in this open ranges.


Re: NM MILSURPS September Shoot ... Guns of August 1914 -191

#2 Post by R.G.C »

1886lebel wrote:Sunday September 23, 2012 Shoot Information ... NM MILSURPS Guns Of August Annual Shoot

This shoot will be our annual Guns of August (WWI) in which it encouraged that weapons of this period be used from both the Allied and Central Powers of the conflict. The shoot wil be taking place at the Albuquerque Shooting Range Park, where we meet up at the 200 -1000 'shooting club' range at 0830 to set up the targets and such, then at 0900 we go down to the office to sign in and pay for the range $6.00 for all day shooting unless you have an annual pass for it. We then go back up to the range to get safety brief by the President of the club, a short course on WWI history by myself who will be dressed as a WWI Russian soldier on the Eastern Front and then start shooting the course of fire ....

The course of fire will consist of the following:
We will start out shooting at the 500 meter target where you will shoot 5 rounds at it from any position you desire, prone support or un-supported, kneeling, sitting or off-hand (table/bench shooting will be prohibited), then you will engage a target a 385 meters with 5 rounds again from any position you desire except table/bench. We will then move down the next firing station to shoot at the 300 meter and then the 200 meter targets, shooting 5 rounds at each target again from any position you desire except table/bench, the only difference will be at the 200 meter where you will shoot behind the barricade in the standing position simulating a trench position.
What this course of fire will do is simulate an enemy moving about on a field of battle until they get deadlocked in trench warfare as the average trenches in the war were only 100 to 200 meters apart.
If you do not have a weapon that was used by the belligerents do not worry, you still can shoot the course of fire but in a complete seperate category of non-period weapons.

Target sizes will range in size as you move down the course of fire, we will be using our 45 (L) by 30 (W) oblounge steel target at 500 and 385 and our 30 inch circle steel targets at 300 and 200 meters. Scores will hit and miss on the target,tThere is no time limit to fire your rounds on target but remember we are trying to simulate active operations in the field of combat. There will be NO Spotting rounds fired during the course of fire, it will be just like a real combat situation, you either hit your target or miss it.
We usually go through our courses of fire at least twice, so please bring enough ammunition to do this twice. After the main shooting course is fired we will have an open range where you can fire any weapons you want to test out at these targets.
Please do not bring incendiary or tracers to use, we are very dry at this time and these very will could start a wildfire in a heartbeat that can go out of control very fast in this open ranges.


Maybe a little OT:

Few years ago, we visited a smith in Santa Fe, (you may know, situated on the corner of the road to airport). A pleasant gantleman was there, trading in a 07-15 in perfect condition...AND 3 boxes of Winchester boxed primed ammo.... My two friends were mouth watering about the ammunitionn as this is "introuvable" this side of the pond. The only solution they have is to form .348 Win cases with all the work it implies.

Question then, as it is well possible that quite a lot of hiden Lebels see shortly light again with owners wanting them to catch a caught, it would be interesting to know if boxer primed cases are still available in USA?

Re: NM MILSURPS September Shoot ... Guns of August 1914 -191

#3 Post by saddler »

...see shortly light again with owners wanting them to catch a caught,
To quote Manuel, waiter at the Fawlty Towers hotel,

Re: NM MILSURPS September Shoot ... Guns of August 1914 -191

#4 Post by 1886lebel »


Maybe a little OT:

Few years ago, we visited a smith in Santa Fe, (you may know, situated on the corner of the road to airport). A pleasant gantleman was there, trading in a 07-15 in perfect condition...AND 3 boxes of Winchester boxed primed ammo.... My two friends were mouth watering about the ammunitionn as this is "introuvable" this side of the pond. The only solution they have is to form .348 Win cases with all the work it implies.

Question then, as it is well possible that quite a lot of hiden Lebels see shortly light again with owners wanting them to catch a caught, it would be interesting to know if boxer primed cases are still available in USA?
PriviPartisan is making Boxer primmed cartridges cases in this calibre, it is good brass. The old Remingtom 1920 and 30's cases can be still be found if you look hard enough for them but are going about $2.00 USD a cartridge case.

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Re: NM MILSURPS September Shoot ... Guns of August 1914 -191

#5 Post by meles meles »

That sounds like an awesome shoot ! Maybe we should dig a tunnel and take some of the sett arsenal over there to join in...
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Re: NM MILSURPS September Shoot ... Guns of August 1914 -191

#6 Post by 1886lebel »

I will post results of the match in next few days, everyone did very well :)

I was dressed in my WWI Imperial Russian uniform for it ... here are some pictures of me in it, I think you will like one of the weapons I had there :)





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Re: NM MILSURPS September Shoot ... Guns of August 1914 -191

#7 Post by ovenpaa »

Ooh, I like that second rifle, what is it? tongueout

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Re: NM MILSURPS September Shoot ... Guns of August 1914 -191

#8 Post by John25 »

That man there, shoulders back!


I'm only sad that I can't be there. It has given me an idea 'though

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Re: NM MILSURPS September Shoot ... Guns of August 1914 -191

#9 Post by dromia »

ovenpaa wrote:Ooh, I like that second rifle, what is it? tongueout

Winchester 1895 (Military Issue) Russian in 7.62x54R I suspect.

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Re: NM MILSURPS September Shoot ... Guns of August 1914 -191

#10 Post by 1886lebel »

dromia wrote:
ovenpaa wrote:Ooh, I like that second rifle, what is it? tongueout

Winchester 1895 (Military Issue) Russian in 7.62x54R I suspect.


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