Ive recently altered the chimney on the woodstove and this is its first lighting since the spring.
Glad to say it works. Winter seems to be starting early and you never know what kind of winter this year will bring.
I started shooting when I was 11 with an old double hammerd .410.
By the time I was 13, I was down the woods and round the farm on my own and progressed on to the Greener 12g full choke and the Winchester '74 .22 when I was 16.
Got my gun license when I was just 17 and have held it since.
I dont know what took me so long to finally apply for my FAC last year, and it took West Mercia 10 months to get round to it. There have been some jobs changes at the firearms dept and the backlog is now reducing from the 3500 ish at the height back last spring.
Finally got it granted in end of June and bought a gorgeous Marlin 39M Golden Original.
Ran @ 900 rounds through it and got a variation to include a multishot 12g, another .22 ( I technically own dads old Winchester'74 but baby Bro wont give it back cos hes enjoying hammering the bunnies with it when hes not bagging the 200+ foxes per YEAR on the family farm. The more he shoots, the more keep coming) and a .223.
So last Tuesday, I collected my new VEPR12 from Oleg and then on Friday I went to Leeds and bought a stunning SGC .223. I called by Henry Kranks to collect a bunch of ammo for a RFD friend and also picked out a scope and rifle case for the .223.
Yesterday I set up a target in the field out the back and started zeroing in the Viper 6-24 x 50 IR with some PPUs
All I can say is..............Im in love.
Now im hoping you guys can teach me about reloading please? Ive got room for 600 rounds on the ticket so need to fill it up . tongueout