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#1 Post by paxtond »

hi guys, having just got my fac i am looking to but my first full bore rifle.

in the last 2 weeks i have spent a fortune on a shotgun and a .22lr target rifle.

after doing some online research i have decided on a savage 12 F/TR in .308.

now my questions is can i import one of these from the usa?

uk price = £1700 usa price = £762

i understand it might be a PITA but is it posible and what is the best way to go about getting started?

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#2 Post by Mike357 »

Get a quote from these guys and then let us know what you find out!
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#3 Post by IainWR »


Your UK FAC serves as a personal import document ie you can go to the USA, buy the gun and take it out of the USA (satisfying all USA legislation which is NOT simple) and walk into the UK on the basis of the permission in your FAC. Alternatively, buy your gun in the USA, pay a USA agent, airfreight, a UK import agent and a UK dealer to get the gun to the point where you can go to the dealer and collect it from the shop. Guess what? The fees for that lot are about the difference between the UK and US price.

As Heinlein said, TANSTAAFL (there ain't no such thing as a free lunch). It isn't fair, and it isn't reasonable, but it is the way the world is.



#4 Post by paxtond »

I'm planning a trip to the USA soon anyway to collect a Rolex.

What's the deal with being able to buy a gun when over there? My understanding was only us citizens can buy the firarms, can I get a visitors permit?

Sounds like it might end up being such a PITA I may aswell not bother


#5 Post by saddler »

There is also a very obscure rule that I spotted somewhere - possibly on here - that a US citizen can make a once-only gift of a gun to a UK citizen

May be worth looking into...


#6 Post by Primer »

saddler wrote:There is also a very obscure rule that I spotted somewhere - possibly on here - that a US citizen can make a once-only gift of a gun to a UK citizen

May be worth looking into...
Now that would be interesting as I'm hoping to take a trip over there the back end of next year (or sooner if things kick off in Israel and I cancel my Egypt holiday in May)

However I did see the Ross Kemp on gangs thing the other week and they were in New Orleans and went to a gun show ( talk about gun porn, eat your heart out Newark (soon to be stoneleigh) ) with an ex police captain (i think) and they were discussing how easy it was to buy a gun but it did appear that you needed to be a verified resident of that state and would have to pass a basic federal background check, so not sure as a UK citizen how you would pass that, Ross did then say so what's to stop someone else buying him a gun and the bloke said nothing but that it was illegal.


#7 Post by Primer »

paxtond wrote:
now my questions is can i import one of these from the usa?

uk price = £1700 usa price = £762

i understand it might be a PITA but is it posible and what is the best way to go about getting started

It's the same with many things though. Over on the Smith & Wesson forum the guys moan about paying more than $450 = £280 for the M & P 15-22 whereas the UK price is £715 =$1146 for the MOE model (luckily I got mine at cost but that was still £586 = $940).

I can imagine the import costs would add up to a bit especially after import taxes and vat and I guess you would need to also get it UK proofed, I know my shotgun did even though it has Italian proof marks on it.


#8 Post by paxtond »

hmmm, i wonder if i could get one of my us guys to buy the rifle for me and gift it to me.

does anybody know the costs involved in a USA federal export permit?

info online is very limited
The Cupcake Kid


#9 Post by The Cupcake Kid »

saddler wrote:There is also a very obscure rule that I spotted somewhere - possibly on here - that a US citizen can make a once-only gift of a gun to a UK citizen

May be worth looking into...
I wouldn't get your hopes up on that one...

Nowadays there's a lot more form-filling to do than there used to be, but you can personally import a firearm. Obviously, you first need to get the slot on your FAC. If you're after something specialised, like a custom-built rifle, it will probably take some time to source the parts and get built, so you've got time to build a relationship with the U.S. gunsmith and sort out all the documentation. It will take time and effort.

If you're after a standard firearm, it's not going to be as simple as walking into a gunshop whilst on holiday with your FAC and expecting to bring back a bargain.

The information is out there if you look, but as I say, it takes time and effort and is probably not worth doing just to save a few quid.


#10 Post by sanselm »

For a single rifle of relatively small value it is simply not worth it. The minimum admin fee for export licences is usually $500 which when this comes to half the US retail then you are wasting your time. In addition to have to get US State approval to even apply for an export licence if the exporter ie Hurricane Butterfly for example is not the person selling it to you. Most vendors out there are not registered to export and so you will have to use a third party. You are then looking at 4% duty and then 20% VAT on that inc your shipping bill and the handling charges etc this end.

As to buying in the states in person then the law is very specific, you must have been resident in the state in which you are buying for at least 90 days, as most people are visiting on the visa waiver program you are only allowed in the country for 90 days so you cannot do it! To be in possession of a firearm in the US and not a US resident then there is a loophole in so far as you need a valid hunting permit valid for any state not necessarily the one you are in, this allows you to be in possession of a firearm, this does mean that somebody can lend you one or potentially even give you one but you cannot drive to the airport and fly home with it as to do so would be exporting it which brings you back to the top!

In essence it is all doable and actually pretty easy but IMHO not worth the effort or time wasted and waiting for your rifle - different perhaps if you want a custom rifle built by a certain gunsmith and are happy to wait a year.
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